Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
How many of you have started an exercise program only to just let the weights you bought just sit there on the floor or the exercise bike collect dust? Exercising our spirit is also important yet how many intend to start getting up early and start having a quiet time only to have the Bible gather dust or the news take priority over God?
Discipline in life is needed. Discipline to arise from bed daily to be on time for work or school. Discipline to control anger. Discipline to not overeat before you get obese or have a health issue. Life takes discipline and a 'can do' attitude. Discipline is needed for a daily time with the Lord too. You make time in life for what is important so surely our savior should be up there on the top of your list.
What do you need to do with your daily schedule to insure that you spend time each day in the Bible? Just something to think about. Have a blessed day and go be a blessing to others.
PRAYER: Lord you are good all the time and all the time you are good. I thank you for the ability to own many Bibles when in some countries they can't even have them. I want to make my schedule around you and not the other way around. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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