Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.2 Corinthians 5:17
My Wii Fit has been neglected. Oh I still exercise most every day just not indoors using it. The other day it welcomed me back with the on screen message "We have missed you. This is your first visit in 747 days"! Ouch. Like I said I am exercising but just had neglected this valuable accountability tool.
What if when you picked up your Bible to read it, it spoke out a message of neglect to you? What would it say? Of course you and I know our Bible is not going to do that but just suppose it did. Have you read it recently? Is it gathering dust somewhere? Can you even find it?
Sadly many people are either not trained to use this valuable tool in their daily spiritual warfare or just have no desire to. I know before I became 'born again' on 19 March 1975 I had little excitement over things of the Lord. Sure my parents raised me right and I did the right things like Sunday school, church, vacation Bible school and even got baptized but it never really meant something until the 'lights came on' so to speak that evening in 1975. Sometimes even people do accept the Lord and are living for Him in a big way but then become complacent like they can do fine without growing in Christ. Or perhaps they get tricked by Satan into believing a lie and get away from things of the Lord. If this describes you or a family member keep praying and know God can and will restore you. You only need cry out to Him. Seek Him daily in His word. Through it you learn how to destroy the lies of the enemy.
PRAYER: I know in order to stay 'spiritually healthy and fed' I need to read the word of God on a daily basis. Things may try to crowd it out in my life but give me the strength to discipline my daily activities to always include time alone with you. In Jesus' name.Amen.
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