Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Monday, February 29, 2016

True Friends

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.  Proverbs 27:17

What is a true friend? One who loves and accepts you warts and all, yet is not afraid to be honest with you. One you can laugh with and one you can cry with.  One who you can tell a secret to and not be afraid it will turn into town gossip. 

In my life I am blessed to call many people true friends. Friends build each other up and share each other's joys and sorrows. They are there for you when you need moral support. They will love you unconditionally. They like to be with you. They are kind and not back stabbers. They will stand up for you when others criticize you. They think of others before themselves. 

Are you a good true friend? Have you picked up the phone recently and set up a time for coffee to reconnect with someone? There is a saying "If you want to be a friend you need to show yourself friendly." Is there someone who could use you for a true friend in their life? 

PRAYER: There are so many people around who don't have a true friend. I thank you for giving me courage at times to make the first move. Thank you for the gift and blessing of friendship, especially friendship in Christ. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Make Me A Blessing

Devotion date was 22 Feb 16 and somehow missed. My apologies. 

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.Psalm 119:105
Instead of waking up each day and worrying about what problems you might encounter, why not instead say "Lord light my path today and use me in someone's life" and then see what happens. Purpose in your heart that day to not get upset if you get cut off in traffic, if someone steals a parking space you have been waiting on, if a person in the express line at grocery has more than 20 items. You get the picture, right? 
Each and every day we face choices. Choosing the right thing can be mind boggling unless you have stopped before you get into your day and prayed for God to give you wisdom as only He can. Don't expect God to help if you have not given Him some time each day. He yearns for you to 'sit at his feet' for just a few moments and part and get to know Him through His word, the Bible. 
If you have time for the morning news, the paper, and Facebook, surely you have some time to give to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Seek Him each day then seek to bless those around you. 
PRAYER: I choose to do what pleases you Lord. I know in order to do this I need to make a point of changing what I do in the morning and spend time with you. Help me put other worldly distractions away until I have my time with you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click link for a song of worship:

God's Bucket List

NOTE: Somehow this got missed This is devotion from Feb 21. 
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. Philippians 2:3
The older a person is the more he or she might start thinking about their 'bucket list' or those things they hope to do before the Lord calls them home to Heaven. I have accomplished a few on mine such as tandem skydiving, riding in an airboat in Everglades, hiking to the Hollywood sign, hot air balloon ride, going to the Rose Parade and I still have several to go. 
Have you ever thought about a 'bucket list for God'? I am not the original person to think of this idea. I heard it somewhere and thought it was very cool. A 'bucket list' is more of a self centered thing whereas a 'bucket list for God' would be things you want to do for the Kingdom. Each person would have to search their own hearts for what those things would be and once again not doing them to be noticed by others as if to say "Look at me. Aren't I great" but to do them out of your love for living for Jesus.
When you are having a quiet time with the Lord pray and ask God to show you ways you could impact the world for Christ not to bring you glory but so you can point others to Him. 
PRAYER: Each and every day is a gift from you. The money we have is actually yours. My time should be used for you too Lord. Help bring to mind those ways I can make a difference in the lives of others for your glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Riches Make Wings

Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle. Proverbs 23:5

Here in the United States where I live most every person would be considered wealthy by the standards of Third World Nations. Basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter are met. We have fresh clean running water in most cities. Food is in abundance and often wasted. Flip a switch and the lights come on. We are warm in our homes or cool if need be. Indeed God has blessed this country.

In the political arena, there are some politicians who try to make people jealous of others saying their wealth needs to be spread around. This thinking is called socialism and borderlines on communism as well. People sacrifice and work hard to earn their livings and just because a person is rich does not make them the enemy. But whether or not we have tons of money or not, it is only temporary so don't get so used to it. Learn to live within your means in case disaster comes so you will not have to declare bankruptcy. Just as this verse states,riches can 'fly away' before you realize what has happened. 

Matthew 6:21 tells us "where our treasure is there is our heart also." Do you value money, possessions, and stuff more than God? Stop and consider this question. If all you owned suddenly disappeared would you still be content. Just remember to not place your hope in riches but in Christ who gives you abundantly more. 

PRAYER: Help me to remember Lord to be generous to those around me who may have a legitimate need I can meet. Help me not get too comfortable with my possessions or bank account because it may not be there some day. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

What Is Old?

Who redeems your life from the pit, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;Who satisfies your years with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle. Psalm 103:4-5

When I was 23 I used to think old was maybe 45. Then I got to be 30 and thought maybe it was 55. Fast forward to this baby boomer being, gulp, 62, and now old is a relative thing but a Senior Rate definitely should not be offered until you are 85,right?

Each of us needs to embrace the aging process as it is part of life. It is easier enjoyed when health is maintained, but never the less,  part of God's plan in this life. Many sadly do not get a chance to grow old so never bemoan it. Each stage of life brings new joys and new challenges. The good news is God is always there to guide you of you call upon Him.

Isaiah 57:1 says "The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil." Now I would not go up to someone who has lost a dear family member and say this but it is a word of God in the scripture that does make lots of sense. Just know dear friend that your life matters no matter how old or young you are so enjoy it!

PRAYER: Lord you are good and your mercies endure forever. I thank you for the joys and yes even heartaches in my life because you have a plan and a purpose. Help me learn to enjoy all the days of my life you have given me here on this Earth. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Set Your Mind

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2
What does it mean to 'set your mind' on something? Perhaps to be solidified in the fact that you will not allow something else to distract you. You have a goal or purpose you want to accomplish and you just make up your mind you will complete it.

How easy it is to let the winds of change in society to bring us down. The world tries to change the meaning of the Bible to make immoral behavior okay. You as a believer have to be guided by the truth you know to be true. You don't allow outside influences to make you waiver. You set your mind to do what you know to be right regardless of what society does. Setting your mind on 'things above' definitely can keep you encouraged. 

Proverbs 4:25 is also a very helpful verse in 'setting your mind' to do something in it says "Let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you." It is like a runner in a race makes up his or her mind they will finish the course in front of them or 'set their mind' to do this regardless. Whatever you are facing and you feel overwhelmed or discouraged know that God is there to see you through. Keep looking to the cross. 

PRAYER: Lord at times I get discouraged and feel like the task ahead of me is too big or too overwhelming. Maybe I feel inadequate but I know that with your strength and by keeping my mind focused on scripture I will be okay. Thank you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Running Your Race To Win!

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24

Recently I ran in my first race in 12 years, a 5k on hilly terrain on a below 32 degree, yet sunny day. Surprisingly I continued to press on and not quit despite the occasional small hill. Along my route, which I thought would never end,  I met others happily in the middle or back of the pack and they were of all ages. We cheered each other on as we chugged along. I was chanting my Army running songs to give me motivation. 

Life is a race of sorts. The finish line is the gates of Heaven. We press on through thick and thin, good and bad, failures, defeats, joys and sorrows. Sometimes you get to a point you think you just can't complete life's race. When thoughts of despair and defeat enter your head they are not from God. His goal is to us to press on regardless. 

Whatever you are dealing with my friend try to stay positive. A job loss, a death in the family, bankruptcy, not getting a promotion, loss of a baby or child, alcoholism, drug addiction, addictions in general. Keep looking to Jesus and He will get you through. That key word is 'through'  meaning not forever. Press on. 

PRAYER: The joy of the Lord is my strength. I know there is always a rainbow tomorrow and light at the end of a seemingly dark tunnel. I choose to look up and not down. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Spiritual Starvation

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.2 Corinthians 5:17
My Wii Fit has been neglected. Oh I still exercise most every day just not indoors using it. The other day it welcomed me back with the on screen message "We have missed you. This is your first visit in 747 days"! Ouch. Like I said I am exercising but just had neglected this valuable accountability tool. 
What if when you picked up your Bible to read it, it spoke out a message of neglect to you? What would it say? Of course you and I know our Bible is not going to do that but just suppose it did. Have you read it recently? Is it gathering dust somewhere? Can you even find it?
Sadly many people are either not trained to use this valuable tool in their daily spiritual warfare or just have no desire to. I know before I became 'born again' on 19 March 1975 I had little excitement over things of the Lord. Sure my parents raised me right and I did the right things like Sunday school, church, vacation Bible school and even got baptized but it never really meant something until the 'lights came on' so to speak that evening in 1975. Sometimes even people do accept the Lord and are living for Him in a big way but then become complacent like they can do fine without growing in Christ. Or perhaps they get tricked by Satan into believing a lie and get away from things of the Lord. If this describes you or a family member keep praying and know God can and will restore you. You only need cry out to Him. Seek Him daily in His word. Through it you learn how to destroy the lies of the enemy. 
PRAYER: I know in order to stay 'spiritually healthy and fed' I need to read the word of God on a daily basis. Things may try to crowd it out in my life but give me the strength to discipline my daily activities to always include time alone with you. In Jesus' name.Amen.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Time Marches On. Embrace It!

Who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. Psalm 103:5(Read verses 1-4 as well) 

We are in a youth obsessed society. Seemingly people have no worth if they get gray hair, age spots, saggy neck, and arthritis. The fact is, that too is part of God's plan here on Earth. I have caught myself wishing I could take a laser and zap the brown spots off my hands so as to not give away my age. Geez. I will tell a secret to my younger readers.  When you get older you don't feel older. Things on the outside change but the person you were is there on the inside. Embrace it. 

Each person has something to contribute no matter what their age. If you are on the verge of turning 40 and feel like life as you know it is over lean in and lean on God. You are valuable to God at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100. It is this culture we live in that is youth obsessed. Don't get an idea you are not able to try things. Keep seeking for improvement. Your contributions are valuable. Don't give up and don't quit on enjoying life. Reach out to others and enrich someone else's life too. 

We are to take care of the temple of God, which is our earthly body by not abusing it with overeating, lack of exercise, drug or alcohol abuse, and other things. Our main priority is to glorify God in our body and with our body no matter what your age. So even though the clock is ticking and we can do nothing to stop it, don't dread getting older. God can and will use each stage of your life. Cling to Him and trust Him. 

PRAYER: Forgive me for not accepting my age and wishing I could turn back the clock. Help me not be ashamed of my age and to lean on you. I thank you for the gift of living and want to live each day to the fullest reaching out to others with the love of Christ instead of worrying about my birthday. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Love Is The Answer

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 1 Corinthians 13:4

This is the month many people are focused on love. Valentine's Day, thought to be started by a greeting card company to sell their products,  is a time to show people close to you your love. But not just because it is Valentine's Day, but it should be a year round mission for believers to pursue a love walk. 

Not everyone feels Christian love but the love they received has been tainted by the world's idea of love. Not everyone is from a home that showed love to their children. There are many in the world who have been hurt by an abusive warped type of love. God's love is not like that. It is pure, kind, unconditional, is not me first. 

Look around you as you go about your day and try to walk the love walk for those in your path whether strangers,friends, or family. Just remember if you have been hurt by others to forgive them whether they ask for it or not for it is only then you can have God's true love in your heart.

PRAYER: I want to be a representative of your kind of love Lord. When I have been hurt let me be quick to forgive and be quick to bury any offenses. I choose to pursue love wherever I go. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, February 19, 2016

You Are Not The Judge

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:1-2
How many readers have passed judgment on someone without giving them a fair chance? If we are honest we can probably say most of us have. I certainly am not proud of it. When you go someplace and see a person with a tattoo for instance, a different race, body piercing, weight problem, criminal on nightly news and a host of other things,  your place is not to pass judgment but to love. 
We never know a person's background or what he or she has gone through. We have not walked in their shoes. Maybe at one time you were stared at or made fun of unjustly. If so it hurts. It is painful to be shunned. If you have problems with judging someone try this little experiment. Look around and say "I love that person, and that person, and so on."  Be careful to not even pass judgment on anything to do with the way a person looks such as hair color, physical features as that was given to them at birth. 
As you go through each day try to make a point of treating all people with kindness and respect even those who are different than you. Let God be the judge. 
PRAYER: Thanks for making me just the way I am. I know that through you I can choose to be kind and to love. Here in this 'month of love' help me to do my part to be loving. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Shake It Off

When He was reviled, He did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but continued entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly. 1 Peter 2:23
Lots of writers get their material from their own lives and I am no exception. When a problem occurs and you are 'walking through it' some good therapy is writing about it. In the process, others who struggle with similar issues are helped. Similar to journaling when you are going through something. 
Offense is not supposed to be a part of the believers life but it, and hurt feelings still occur. It is so hard to not take things personally. The enemy has a great tool in that he can try to manipulate your thought life. When you are focused on wondering if someone likes you, if you hurt someone and similar situations, you are not living for the kingdom at that time. Dwelling on worry over something robs you of true joy of the Lord.
In scripture we are told in Philippians 4:8 to "focus on things above" and what excellent advise that is.  Furthermore we need to learn to shake it off, walk away, and let things go. 
PRAYER: When someone has hurt me they may not even be aware of it. Help me to pray for that person and love through any pain I may be experiencing. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Aromas Good And Bad

For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.  2 Corinthians 2:15

No one enjoys driving down the road and passing a spot where a skunk has been hit by a vehicle. The smell lingers for a couple miles. Also the smell of burning food is not appetizing. Pleasant aromas that attract people are things like bacon frying, cookies baking, and coffee brewing. Also the smell of orange blossoms was one I experienced while residing in Arizona. 

As a believer we are to be the 'aroma' of Christ,  or in other words draw people unto Him by the way we act. Are you the fragrance of Christ in your workplace, at the local coffee shop, at the mall, or while having to wait somewhere? Does what you say and do draw people closer to God or away from Him? 

Stop and reflect on your life and see if there is anything you are doing or saying that may  lead others down the wrong path? Take corrective action by starting each day with scripture, prayer, and purposing to bloom for Christ and spread that aroma everywhere. 

PRAYER: I choose to pause each day before charging ahead and make sure the way I act leads people to you. Forgive me for the times I have 'stunk' and been a distraction. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Restore, Renew, Revive, Reconstruct, Rejuvenate, Remodel

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!2 Corinthians 5:17
I passed a home improvement/repair business the other day advertising some of the services in my title. Starting fresh or giving something a new look often helps your outlook. 
God allows re-dos in your life. Sometimes it is good to get a fresh perspective on things and just wipe the slate clean and begin anew. God does that with our sins. He forgets them and gives you a chance to renew your life. 
Often times in our walk with the Lord we may become complacent and just not motivated. Feelings like that originate with the enemy who doesn't want you excited about life or Jesus. Is it time for you to have a fresh outlook on your walk with the Lord? 
PRAYER: Come into my life Lord Jesus and take anything that is not bringing me closer to you away. I choose to start fresh each day and live for you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Phenomenal Cast Of Characters

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13
One of my all time favorite movies is Frank Capra's 1947 classic film 'It's a Wonderful Life' shown primarily during the Christmas season. In my opinion everyone should watch it at least once. I have probably seen it 100 times. A famous line from the movie spoken by Clarence Oddbody the guardian angel of the late actor Jimmy Stewart's character George Bailey, "Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?" Stewart's character wanted to commit suicide after a financial crisis but Clarence saved him and let him see his life as if he wasn't born. 
Every person has a value,worth, and a reason for being here. You can probably reflect on your life and remember key people who influenced you. Parents, teachers, friends, even strangers. Our life story is filled with an amazing 'cast of characters'. You probably also have been instrumental in someone's life whether you realize it or not. 
Don't ever catch yourself in a pity party and wishing you weren't here because God had a reason for you being born. Only the enemy wants to confuse you and make you feel worthless. God is a God of life and purpose and you are part of his plan. 
PRAYER: There have been times I have allowed my mind to wander and threw myself a pity party. No guests came. I know you have a reason for me and can orchestrate good in my life. Use me in the lives of others too. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love Is Giving

 “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but 
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16  
 As I sat in a coffee shop recently I watched as two women were celebrating a birthday. The friend on the receiving end was truly blessed beyond measure as she got not one gift, not two, but SIX gifts! I was flabbergasted! We know it is not the quantity of the gifts or the amount you paid,  but the thought that counts. But gifts do represent love and the one who receives them should never worry about feeling they have to rush out and reciprocate. Just enjoy being blessed. 

It is not just material gifts given to show love.  Greeting cards, a phone call, a hug, or an act of service are also ways to show love. Here on Valentine's Day we are hyper focused on love. Several years ago my younger son, now happily married, called it 'Singles Awareness Day' as if a guy asked a girl out on this day it might send a wrong message if he wasn't that serious or if you did not have a special someone in your life you felt somehow inadequate. The Valentine month does not have to be all about candy, hearts, and roses. It can be a time to celebrate friends too. Most of all celebrate the ultimate gift of Jesus dying on the cross so we might have life and be forgiven of our sins.

Don't let this day make you feel bad because mostly it is a greeting card company holiday. Just rejoice in the love you have around you and the love you can share with others.

PRAYER: Love is patient and kind. Love puts the other person first. Love is of God. Help me Lord show that love to everyone in my circle of influence and those in my path each day. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Don't Opt Out! Stay In The Battle!

He said: "Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: 'Do not be  
 He said: "Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle not yours, but God's." 2 Chronicles 20:15 
Here in America many of us are feeling beat down. First by leaders who refuse to honor the Constitution or care about the law or morality. At times when more and more tyranny occurs a person can begin to feel scared and hopeless. But cheer up because we know the end of the story. 
Light  expels the darkness. A believer is to spread Jesus' light around the world. When you enter a dark room and turn on a light what instantly happens? Light floods the room. Likewise we believers don't need to be dismayed and feel like there is nothing that can be done. Psalm 56:11 says "In  God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?" Puny little man can think he is a big bad dictator but God has the final say.

In these hard times continue to pray. Continue to thank God for freedom and for the military who has help keep that freedom through the years. Continue to pray for light to overcome darkness. 

PRAYER: I know Lord you are on the throne. When we allowed evil and darkness to seep into this once God fearing nation we allowed sin to abound. Turn the hearts of evil men and women to good and from darkness to light. Help me shine my light and never quit. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link below for an awesome tool to help you pray for this country and its' leaders daily as well as the 2016 elections. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Soft Answers When People Don't Deserve It

Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.Ecclesiastes 7:9
After writing a few days ago about responding in kindness to someone when you feel like doing otherwise,  one reader suggested I expand that to include those people who are really humanly undeserving of your love. First off, let me say at times we ourselves are undeserving of Jesus' love but He still loves us warts, sins, and all. But let's say you are the victim of constant verbal abuse from either someone close or perhaps a boss. What do you do then? Pray for sure. 
Maybe it would be a good time to do a word study on the words 'anger' and 'speech'. No one deserves to be beat up with words yet many people suffer this even at the hands of a spouse which should never happen. The abusers themselves may have deep rooted problems that make them respond the way they do. The bully boss who does this also may be carrying some unknown burden. 
In Luke 23:24 when Jesus was being crucified, remember his words "forgive them for they know not what they do"? I mean He was being beat, spit upon, lied about, yelled at, spikes driven in his hands and feet yet he just took it. What an example for His followers. Are you able to respond this way to those who treat you ugly? Practice makes perfect. You do your part and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. 
PRAYER: It is so difficult to control my mouth and the words that come out of it at times. Help me have self control when it comes to emotions and over reacting to situations. Help me be at peace with my fellow man and show kindness even when someone is undeserving of it. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Growing Weary

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

As I approached the entrance to the Post Exchange I dreaded what I would find in the magazine section. February is the month the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue hits the shelves, which in my humble opinion has no business at eye level of youngsters in a family store like the PX. Since moving here in 1999 I have faithfully gone in each February to request they put them up high with the adult magazines and not at eye level in the special provocative display supplied by magazine company. I'm not sure if I was too early or if I had already won this years' moral battle, but no magazines with any adult content except one,  were anywhere in site. Hallelujah. I immediately went to managers office to pass on my thanks. 

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)A friend of mine and myself years ago went into a local bookstore and went to their adult section,  deceptively named 'Men's Fashion' or something like that. We turned the covers of the adult magazines around so little eyes could not see them. No eyes need to see them I don't think. You can always request they put them behind the counter for customers to have to request. Don't be afraid to speak up in love for moral issues. If everyone thinks it is someone else's job what will our world become? Each believer has to do his or her part to change society for the better. 

Whatever the issue, when it comes to the truth, speak up. That could mean calling your Congressman, emailing or writing a letter to an advertiser,reporting a crime to law enforcement,  prayer walking around an area  that needs lifted up, voting, running for office, or talking to a store manager. Pray first and make sure you stay calm. Do your part to help keep Christian morals and principles intact in this great nation. Everybody has a voice so use it before you lose it. 

PRAYER: I love my country. I love my freedom. Evil has crept into this world little by little in my lifetime starting with prayer being taken from the public school in 1963. It has been downhill ever since with more immorality and unthinkable things. Help me never give up and grow weary as there is always hope because of the cross. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Be Nice To Everyone

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. Romans 12:3

Recently when out and about,  I struck up a conversation with a gentleman at a coffee shop. I had seen him several times before so know his first name. On this conversation I am not sure why, but he asked me about my family. When he found out I had been in the military he was very impressed. I asked him if he had been in and he said no because "I am classified as a slow learner and not eligible." He is a very kind person but one who many in society would ignore because of the way he dressed or his lack of education. 

God wants us to be kind to everyone no matter what their station in life. When he asked if I was a sergeant in the military I was not about to say "No I was an officer" but I simply stated I did supply type jobs and left it at that. I told him I had no desire for a career as I wanted to be a stay home mom. I was kind to him and he finally said he had to go back to work. A chance encounter...I doubt it. 

Sometimes we may be afraid to smile at people or go out of our way to a avoid them. There are hurting people all around us who would just like someone to talk to or smile back at them. You never know just how your kindness will impact another life. 

PRAYER: Help me be alert to opportunities to be nice to people even when I may not be feeling 100%. Give me more opportunities to show your love to others I encounter each day to include those in my own family. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Have You Put God In Your Junk Folder?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5

Everyone who uses a computer,  and that is most people, knows about the junk or spam folder. There we put things we receive in our inbox that we consider a bother, junk, or just of no real importance. Maybe it goes there because we know it is good but just don't have time to read it now.

Have you let God and Jesus slip into the 'junk folder' of your life? Oh my goodness, I hope not but it is so easy to be captivated by 'this world' above all else and just not have time for God who should truly be first. Don't say He is first unless your actions follow and that would be reading the Bible daily to get to know Him better. Making time for church and finding a growing dynamic church where you can grow and not stagnate. Perhaps trying to find a Small group Bible study during the week. Feeding your mind with the things of the Lord instead of a steady diet of depressing news, Hollywood gossip and things of this world that don't really matter. Putting a hobby or sport before Christ. Ouch. 

Perhaps it is time to use 2016 to take a good honest hard look at your life and see if you really are putting Christ first and not throwing Him in your junk folder. 

PRAYER: Oh Lord forgive me for times I have let other things take priority over you. There are times I know I need to read your word, find a church home, and start really living a life centered on you but I am distracted. Help me put away things in life that are ruining my relationship with you and prioritize things to put you back in your rightful place. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Life From An Airplane Window

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.Psalm 19:1

One of my favorite things to do is fly. Not actually pilot a plane, although all three Miller men can fly a plane and one does it for a living. I just love being up in the sky at 35,000 feet especially on a clear day or night and gazing down at the Earth below. I have loved flying since I first got in a small plane in the 7th grade.  After that it was a high school graduation gift to fly to Florida in a jet to see my grandma. I wanted to be a flight attendant I loved it so much and still sort of do, but am not applying for the job even though people my age are qualified. I applied 3 times but never made it. Not His plan. 

Out the airplane window it is so magnificent. Beautiful clouds, the configuration of the land below, mountain peaks, and even the inclement weather is fascinating. It is a awesome way to gaze. It is a peaceful place to meditate upon God's glory. Even in the occasional bad weather flights I have been on that can get bumpy,  I still praise God for the magnificent thunder clouds and yes, even lightening. 

The crew of Apollo 8 read the first chapter of Genesis on December 24, 1968 part of which reads "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
‘And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
‘And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.‘And God saw the light, that it was good." From up there is space you can really see the handwork of God in an immense way. I feel it would be hard to be an atheist and an astronaut.  Whether you like to fly in a plane or maybe have never been in one just look up at night at the starry sky above you and indeed you can praise your Creator.

PRAYER: Lord you are good and your mercies endure forever. Your handiwork declares your glory. I praise you for this Earth you spoke into existence. May those who choose to ignore you not be able to deny your existence when they look up into the heavens. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Broken Roads

Behold, my servants shall sing for gladness of heart, but you shall cry out for pain of heart and shall wail for breaking. Isaiah 65:14

Plank or wooden roads were built in the end of the 1800's into the early 1900's. Stage coach drivers were happy to have these as well as the first automobiles,  as it made their ride much smoother than on a dirt path that often got muddy. They indeed helped the progress of this great nation.Wooden planks  could rot or break and need repair. Similar to pavement today which needs repair. These roads became broken. 

In our life we can experience 'broken roads' such as divorce, death of a child, unfulfilled dreams, financial losses, lawsuits, court battles among other things. These 'broken roads' can be used by God for a person's growth and for God's glory. If you have experienced any 'broken roads', at times it is difficult to see how God could have a purpose for this. First of all,  God did not cause the broken road but He can redeem it and use it. 

Are you experiencing a 'broken road' in your life my friend. Know that God has not abandoned you so don't abandon Him. Cry out to Him as He is only a prayer away. 

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for helping me navigate through my broken roads in life. Thank you for the lessons I learned as a result. I choose to cling to you as my strength so if any other roads ahead get broken you will be there to help me get through. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link to listen to a powerful song to go along with this devotion:

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Need A Realignment?

How can a young person stay on the path of purity?
    By living according to your word.    do not let me stray from your commands. Psalm 119:910

Our motor vehicles all need to be cared for properly in order to last a long night time. Oil changes, car washes, tune ups, and re-alignments. I wonder how many of us require a 're-alignment' of sorts in our walk with the Lord? Chug holes that come upon us by surprise or hitting a curb can do damage to our tires if the vehicle is not given a re-alignment. 

To get re-aligned with our Savior Jesus Christ we need to be still and sit at His feet and listen to His voice. Through the rush of our daily activities it is easy to get into bad habits of hitting the 'chug holes' of life and then not going to your repair center to spend time alone and refresh and re-align yourself. I choose a quiet spot in my home either in bedroom or living room and have my Bible, a notebook, and sometimes a Bible study or devotional book. You have to be committed to make this 're-alignment time' happen daily. It may be harder on weekends, if there are small children around or if you have to go to work, but it is essential to do so Satan can not trick you and take your thoughts captive to his lies. 

Is it time to put a spiritual re-alignment on your to do list? 

PRAYER: I know I say I need to spend more time with you and yet I often rush into my day where you are my last thought. Forgive me Lord. I know that Satan is roaming around trying to distract believers and make them believe lies of this world. Help me prioritize my life so you are truly first daily! In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, February 5, 2016


And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Matthew 22:37
Some who follow politics may have heard the term 'R.I.N.O.' which stands for 'Republican In Name Only' referring to those in that political party who may say they are Republican but their votes and actions prove otherwise. Well in the Christian world how many of us would fit into the category 'C.I.N.O.' meaning 'Christian In Name Only?' Hopefully no one reading this.

A person in either of these categories has no real commitment for what they are supposed to stand for. They may 'name the name' but not 'walk the walk' and be faithful to the cause. No one can really put faith in them to do what they say as they are two faced of sorts. I could say a C.I.N.O. might be a person who simply joins a church and punches the church ticket one hour on Sunday but there is little other evidence in their life of a commitment or love for Christ or things of the Lord. It is easy to fall into this category and Satan would love to lull more believers into it. You follow the culture instead of following Christ and His word found in the Bible, which never changes by the way. Other things squeeze God out of your day. Things like social media, hanging out with friends, reading the newspaper, too much television. Many things become way more important than relationship building with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Where are you at today? Take a look at the way you spend your time. If someone saw your schedule or your Facebook page would they know you loved the Lord and were not ashamed of Him? Just something to ponder. Be blessed today and go shine Jesus' love on those around you.

PRAYER: Forgive me Lord if I ever act ashamed of you. Forgive me when I spend more time on Facebook than in your book. Help me to re order my priorities so I can have a deeper relationship and walk with you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Soft Answers

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

Unless your career field is that of a military drill sergeant, in most cases in dealing with people,  being kind, yet firm, works better than barking orders at them. In your day to day activities, especially when dealing even with those closest to us, using softer speech is much more effective and less harmful than yelling ever will be. Screaming at someone hurts feelings and causes misunderstandings. 

Just remember this when dealing with co workers, store employees, telemarketers, waiters, and all other people you may encounter in a normal week. Anger stirs up things sometimes that can lead to many horrendous consequences. The enemy Satan of course would love you to talk ugly all the time as then arguments are stirred up. The devil is all for chaos on not peace. When your tone of voice indicates you are upset then all sorts of harmful things can occur. Best to not even go there. If someone else is trying to pick a fight with you do not react back to them with an angry tone. 

This week why not practice being soft in your speech to all those people who come across your path. 

PRAYER: I choose this day to not allow things to upset me and cause me to be harsh or ugly. Forgive me for times I have a slip of the tongue and hurt someone with my words. Help me forgive those who have hurt me. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Lead Me To The Cross

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.1 Corinthians 1:18

What does the cross of Jesus Christ mean to you? You don't have to look far in a crowd to see someone wearing a cross necklace or medallion. It is a nice thing to do, but how many who wear this symbol of Christ are really knowing what it means and living a life pleasing to Him? 

The cross is powerful and is an offense to many. Monuments with the cross have been a subject of lawsuits to remove them because of what they stand for and that is Christ and His death and miraculous resurrection. Even if these non believers are successful in taking down crosses,  Jesus and God are not going anywhere. 

The world in 2016 is becoming more and more hostile to believers and those who choose to live out their faith according to the word of God without compromise. Even here in America we are starting to see Christian persecution although not yet on the scale of some nations who die for their faith. Don't be afraid to live out your faith everywhere you go and speak up for the truth of the cross of Jesus Christ. 

PRAYER: I love the word of God. It lights my path and gives me comfort. Help me not get so comfortable that I don't reach out with the message of the cross to a hurting and lost society who needs you desperately. The truth will indeed set us free. Bring revival Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Punxsutawney Phil And Why Do We Care?

But He replied to them, "When it is evening, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.' "And in the morning, 'There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times? Matthew 16:2-3
Today is Groundhog Day a day celebrated but few people even know why or when it started. If the groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil,  in Pennsylvania, emerges from his hole under the ground and sees his shadow, supposedly we will have six more weeks of winter. Yeah I say because I like snow. 1886 was first year reporting was done on it and now the residents of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania are in the news each year as this groundhog performs for the press on Gobbler's Knob. Americans like to have cute holidays and celebrations. It is part of our culture.

So what does all this have to do with a Christian devotion? Punxsutawney Phil may be cute but I doubt he is a weather forecaster. There may be something to it as many who follow Farmer's Almanac predictions also will tell you. But Phil is not a fortune teller and we are not to rely on manmade things anyway. We are so smart about saying the sky is red so it is going to rain tomorrow but know very little of the signs of His coming.

The signs are getting pretty evident these days with all the disregard for truth and morality even in the levels of our highest offices in the land. Feeling good, being loving, tolerating, political correctness, not offending, have seemed to make us lose all common sense. There is a standard of truth that NEVER changes my friend and that is the Bible. Talking media heads, college professors, presidents and the like may try to twist it and confuse it but God's word is true, period. Don't allow the enemy to take you captive.

PRAYER: Lord you are good and righteous altogether. Your word is truth. I pray for those who may know you but who are being sorely misled by Satan's tricks. This world will pass away. Help me be vigilant in sharing the truth with others. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Do The Right Thing!

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

Don't ignore the little voice inside of you tugging at your heart.  That is the Holy Spirit nudging. Whether you have accepted Christ or not, every one has that conscience of right or wrong inside of them. Sometimes we can have earthly smarts and think we are just fine the way we are. That indeed is a dangerous state to be in thinking we are okay without 'religion'.

Many who read these devotions already live for Jesus so it is like preaching to the choir so to speak. Perhaps you have been praying for a loved one who has lost his or her desire to 'do the right thing' and God hears you, so don't give up hope. Even those of you who know the Lord need to be on guard that you are also not led astray. Satan is a roaring lion waiting to catch us off guard. 

The best thing to do is daily make sure you plan your day around Jesus. Don't just pencil Him in for a quick five minute prayer and short Bible verse, but make a point of insuring He is the most important thing in your day. That for sure will help you do the right thing.

PRAYER: Help me to keep you first on my life so I learn what it means to do the right thing. I pray for those in my family who may have wandered away from their first love and pray you will draw them back. In Jesus' name. Amen.