Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6
Many of those reading may recall the childhood Sunday school song 'Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say"? It is an excellent tune that over time sticks in your brain and helps you remember to be careful what you say, look at, go to, and listen to as The Father knows. Yes He does and his desire is for you to not being doing things to bring discredit to you as a believer or to cause you to sin.
Our mouth can be our downfall many times. Thoughts come to mind and we may overreact and blurt something out. Our mouth needs to be controlled. Stop and think of what you are about to say will bring glory or will even cause a misunderstanding. Many a misspoken word has ruined relationships.
If you are weak in the area of speaking wrong and hurtful things do a subject search in the Bible about the tongue, speech, and words. God truly does want us to gain wisdom and control in this area.
PRAYER: Our mouth can gossip, lie, hurt others, judge, and belittle among other things. I choose to be careful and think before I speak and insure what I say edifies instead of tearing down. In Jesus' name. Amen!
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