Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Saturday, February 28, 2015


But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

We are in the Facebook generation. It can be a good tool but also can be hurtful and a time waster. I like it as a way to connect with family and friends and find lost friends. My primary reason for remaining on it is to get the word of God out through my daily God's Lemonade Stand where I have a 'page' people can 'LIKE' or see it on my wall if they are my 'friend'. 

The concept of clicking the little 'thumbs up' icon found after each post on Facebook, can almost become an addiction if we allow it to. Checking back and forth to see who 'LIKED' your post could in fact hurt feelings if you got to into the whole thing. Let's say you got no response from a certain picture you posted. Then what? Do you allow that to set your value and worth? 

God loves and likes you more than any Facebook friend. He likes you and loves you no matter what picture you post or what comments you make. You are His beloved. You were made to glorify Him. Just repeat "God LIKES me!" 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I am so thankful for your unconditional love and acceptance of me. Help me to only care that you love me and all the other Facebook 'likes' are secondary. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Help My Unbelief

 Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

I know of people who doubt God or Jesus because their prayers weren't answered. Perhaps a friend or family member died. Maybe a prayer has still not been answered. Whatever the case, because of a situation, a person may choose to not follow God at all or barely at all. To me this is sad because you are either for God or against Him, no halfway.

Jesus wants us to pray and not stop. Some may find this quite foolish, but the alternative is to follow the world and the ways of the enemy, which is Satan. Yes Satan is not a cartoon character. He is the power of evil and darkness of this present world we live in.  When we do not follow or believe God we give him a foothold in our life.

I don't know about you but I choose to believe and keep on believing as I know sometime I will see the glory of the Lord and for that I can not wait.  Who do you choose?

PRAYER: Help me to be patient when I pray Lord and know your ways are beyond my understanding and you have a plan better than any I could dream up. Comfort those who have a hard time believing. Let them feel your presence in their lives. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. Matthew 6:4
Your reward is from God so if that is the case why do some feel they have to announce their good deeds or charity to others? Maybe inferiority or wanting to impress?  The best reward is when you do something for someone either anonymously or do it and do not tell others. The Bible talks about this too when fasting not to go tell everyone but to do it between you and God. Even when praying it says to not draw attention to yourself. The whole thing is about God, period. It is not about us. We are to remain humble in all walks of life. If we have a degree from an impressive University it is not necessary to let everyone know. When you win an award those who need to know will know. It impresses me to hear of military heroes who do not think they deserved a particular award. Humble people will always be exalted. We gain nothing by trying to make ourselves look good or important to others. 
If you have trouble keeping silent about accomplishments ask God to create in you a truly giving and humble heart. Anytime you get the urge to brag give God the glory. All we have is from Him anyway. 
PRAYER: You truly are King of kings and Lord of lords. To you be all glory, praise and honor. In Jesus' name.Amen.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.' Matthew 6:19

Anyone who has ever had a brand new car or truck knows the feeling the first time someone opens their car door and slams it into your shiny new flawless bodywork. You come out one day and there it is staring you in the face. The infamous 'ding'. You were so careful where you parked often walking long distances to keep your car looking like new. Never the less, with all those precautions it was bound to happen. Perhaps a thoughtless person or a complete accident. It is not new anymore. 

My thoughts when this recently happened to me was first I was blessed to be fortunate enough to have a new vehicle. Then I thought about God wanting us to be good stewards of our possessions here on Earth but on the other hand not let them consume us and make us OCD. I realized that being mad or upset would not make this little indentation pop back out so I had to deal with it. There are worse things in the big scheme of things. 
Do you ever let your possessions control you? As I said before we need to take good care of things God has blessed us with but not let them become idols or gods in our lives.I have in the past broken a favorite coffee mug and get sad but then think to myself, get a grip Becky and move on, Whatever it is that is controlling you why not turn it over to God. Let Him manage the little 'dings' of life. 

PRAYER: Thank you for abundant blessings you have given me. Help me Lord to not allow my 'stuff' to control me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Oh I Am So Angry!

          Because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.  James 1:20

Have you ever uttered those words from my title or thought them to yourself? People can be angry for a variety of reasons. Harboring  resentment from a divorce. Someone has hurt you for no apparent reason. You were wrongfully sued. Perhaps accused of something you never did. Issues from your past. Each person can probably give further examples. Still if anger is not dealt with and controlled, it can even lead to someone dying in worst case scenarios such as what we saw in Ferguson, Missouri or in domestic abuse cases that end in a murder.

Anger really is not the answer but forgiveness is.  The enemy wants fights, disputes, hatred, gossip, and hurt. God wants love, peace, kindness, and mercy. Maybe you think a person deserves something. Did JESUS deserve to be hung on a cross? Anger can also lead to a life of bitterness. If bitterness is in your heart it is hard to have love at the same time. Whatever it is someone did to you, let it go, move on. Ask God to help you to forgive as that is the ultimate goal, not harboring hatred. 

What do you need to do to let God's love fully envelope you and allow you to forgive? That is a question only you can answer. You know that is what God wants  for you and those around you. 

PRAYER: Lord you are good and your mercies endure forever. I choose to not harbor resentment against anyone who has ever hurt or wronged me. It does no good and only allows me to not really truly love like you want us to love. Give me strength to do this. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Truth Does Set You Free

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."John 8:32
 We are sadly a world full of cheaters and liars. Cheaters and liars are controlled by demonic forces. Those forces weave their way into all facets of life ever so subtly over time till one day it is hard to distinguish a truth from a lie. Lies are a product of the devil. Truth is from God. Good and evil. Right and wrong.

How do you know how to tell the difference or how do you insure you don't fall into Satan's captivating trap? I mean he is working in our government, in some churches, in the institution of marriage, in the schoolhouse, on the streets, in the news media.  in the television and motion picture industry and in many places you never suspect. Not totally truthful, misspoke, unclear, fib, are words used in place of saying a person lied.Lying is one of the seven things God says He hates.(Read Proverbs 6:16-17).

Stay grounded in God's word to clearly be able to have your senses exercised of right and wrong, good and evil. And pray for those being misled by evil spirits who do not like the truth. 

 PRAYER: Lord Jesus forgive me if I have ever fallen captive to the enemies tricks to lure me and deceive me. Protect me from falling for his schemes. Help me recognize a lying tongue. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

I Smell Bacon! Yum!

For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 2 Corinthians 2:15

As I stopped for gas about a week ago before church and exited my car to pump the gas, I could smell the wonderful fragrance of bacon frying. Perhaps from the motel breakfast room close to the station or the breakfast restaurant across the street. Never the less it was pleasurable and made me smile. 

This made me think of today's verse about being the 'aroma' of Christ. Am I being that kind of aroma that makes others smile and draws them closer to the kingdom or am a a stinky soured rag that is laden with mildew? Each of us who knows Christ should  ask ourselves if we are drawing others closer to the kingdom by our 'aroma' or making them run and hold their noses. Our fragrance is to be pleasurable not in the sense we put perfume or after shave on, but in the sense that the Spirit of God living in us is shining through drawing others closer to wanting to know Christ personally. 

Examine yourself and change what you need to in order to have a 'pleasing aroma' to attract others closer to God.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father I want to be so filled with the fragrance of you that others want to ask why I am like that. Help me never smell like soured rags or stinky baby diapers but to have your aroma all around me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Choose Wisely With God Guiding You

"The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. What a fool you have been! From now on you will be at war."  2 Chronicles 16:9

God is always with you and he knows what you are doing. He sees your every move. As the children's song goes "Be careful little feet where you go." Hebrews 4:13 says "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."

Be a friend to those who need a friend but do not go places or do things you know deep down are wrong. This means at work don't be tempted to cheat. Likewise be truthful to those you call your friends.  Be His witness, but be cautious in all you say and do. Go to God for wisdom. It is found in the word of God. Be the light that people want to run to then you won't have to worry so much about doing the wrong thing.

PRAYER: Father I know we are to be salt and light in the world. Today help me choose my activities wisely. Help me share your love for those in my world around me. Father I ask that you guide my steps so I do not wander into places that do not bring glory to God. Help my choices be pleasing unto you Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Smile On....Universal Language

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Recently during a layover at Chicago O'Hare International Airport a couple, both in wheelchairs, from Nepal,  who knew no English were sitting next to me in the terminal. We had a very interesting three hours since all the man could say was "No English". My friends know I like to talk so this made it difficult. Smiling was the ultimate way to get a friendly message across. Now I did not sit there and just grin like a fool for three hours but at intermittent times.

Any times we want to make a person feel better a smile usually works. Even a person who is having a horrible day may likely respond to this kind gesture. These people eventually communicated to me that they wanted to use my cell phone to call a family member back in Huntsville and gave me number to dial. This is showing the love of Christ when you can assist people particularly someone who does not know the language.

Can you find an opportunity to smile today and lift someone's spirits?

 PRAYER: Thank you Lord for giving me opportunities daily to show your love through a simple act of kindness or smile. Help me be on the lookout for these. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Prayer Versus The Nightly News

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
I don't know about you, but I almost can not stomach the nightly news on any network these days. Terrorism, ISIS, government tyranny, war, robbery, lying and deception, judicial tyranny and on and on it goes. A few days ago a friend posted the verse I have highlighted today in a post on Facebook. It is so very crucial to stay focused on good. And while you are focusing on good remember we are commanded to pray for our enemies and this country has many some sadly within our own government. 
We as a people were founded as a free and God fearing nation. Bible verses are etched in granite all over the nations Capitol in Washington, D.C.. There are those in high power who do not like this who are enemies of the cross of Christ and seek to tear down Christians and elevate Islam. These are times when I feel revival is near as we in this country better wake up. Political correctness and a busy life has rocked many of us into a stupor. Endearment to a political party has blinded many to dangers around us and on our very doorstep. 
God ultimately is on the throne and maybe he is allowing things to happen to get our attention. Tyrants do not like free governments. Evil hates good. Wherever you are today please stop and pray for The United States of America. We for sure need a revival of major proportion.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father you have been good to the United States of America because for years we followed you and acknowledged you. Now there are many trying to rewrite your Holy word or tear you out of society all together. Turn evil hearts to good and help those who do not know you as Jehovah Jireh come to know you and repent of their sins. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

More Than Motions

On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’
 But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’
Matthew 7:22-23
Are you a Christian? Are you a practicing Christian? If you were arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you? Being a church member is not evidence of it. Being born into a Christian family isn't proof. Not even being baptized the answer. Good works is not the key.
Don't just go through the rituals and motions of what a 'churched' person does but get to know Him and be like Him. If you asked Jesus to be your Lord and savior you are part of His family. Seek to emulate Him and pray for your heart to be broken by what breaks His. Don't be ashamed of Him or His word. I remember when I was born again I was so hungry for His word and growing in Christ. I did not seek religion but a personal relationship with my Father in Heaven.

Do more than Sunday for an hour. If you truly love Jesus plan your day around your time alone with Him. Do not settle for a Sunday only relationship. It is sort of hard to get to know a person with only one hour weekly and perhaps half the time wanting to go home. If your heart is not right, today ask Him to come into your heart and make you come alive for Him.

PRAYER: Jesus I don 't want to settle for just saying I love you if all I do is go to church then forget you the rest of my week. I choose to be committed and to do what is necessary to get reignited with passion for you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link and enjoy a worship song:

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Timothy Hugs

Be kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
I was in a local dry cleaners recently when a very friendly small male child came running and hopped up into my arms. This totally made my day. His name was Timothy if I remember correctly. This small boy was unlike adults who sometimes can't even smile when you pass and say hello or smile at them which also recently occurred in a local super market.

If we could only all be like children. So innocent. No quirks or hangups yet. No societal rules telling them they should not be friendly to strangers. This showed to me the love in this child's heart probably instilled by parents and how he had a joyful spirit. Oh if only all of us had that kind of attitude towards strangers. I am not saying to run up and hug a stranger but to be kind,smile, and help out when needed.

Why not go out in childlike faith today and show God's love and kindness to those in your path.

PRAYER: Lord I want to not grow up to be an old fuddy duddy who is grouchy, complaining, unhappy, unsatisfied but to be like a child and be happy and joyful to those around me. In Jesus' name.Amen.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Jesus Says Chill and Be Still

This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. Isaiah 30:15

I am sure almost everyone has heard someone utter the short phrase "chill out" basically meaning calm down, or relax. A local friend of mine here would also jokingly say "simmer down now." Why is it we feel compelled to fret and fume about things we have little control over? I guess the answer would be 'human nature.' If we claim to know God we are supposed to try to have a new nature conformed to the image of Christ.

This is so easy to say but often times in the midst of things going totally wrong, can be difficult to actually put into practice. What do you accomplish when you get yourself worked into a tizzy? Not a thing. The best thing to do is to slow down and pray. Stop running about trying to figure things out and rely on God to see you through good times and not so good times.

Your assignment for today no matter what is going on in your little corner of the world, is to trust God with any situation that comes your way. He knows you have trouble handling things and He wants to hear from you. Why not call Him up in prayer right now?

PRAYER: I truly do want to chill out and be still. Sometimes it is so hard to do and I just really need your perfect peace to get through certain things. I choose to look to you Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Rough Crossing

And teaching them to obey everything  I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20

Ever been across a train track where there is a warning sign that reads 'Rough Crossing?' This is letting you be forewarned to slow down or risk damaging your car. Life can throw many 'rough crossings' at us also. 

Bad news of some sort can be a 'rough crossing' and a life changer. Trials we experience are 'rough crossings' as well.  Going through depression can be another 'rough crossing'. Perhaps anxiously waiting for an answer to prayer makes you feel you are going over a 'rough crossing'. 
When you cross over something like a patch of rough track that means it is finished and smoother pavement is ahead. This is the same in life. We go through many things that we just have to endure knowing this too shall pass. 

Are you experiencing some type of 'rough crossing' in your life? Hang on and hold on to Jesus. Rough crossings will soon fade away. 

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the smoothness of life and also the harder times. I know all I go through is to make me a better person and help me grow to be more like you. Give me strength to get over the rough spots. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Love Makes The World Go Around

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast, and it is not proud, 1 Corinthians 13:4
Welcome to yet another Valentines' Day. To many this is another way for Hallmark to sell cards or Pro Flowers to market overpriced roses. It is a good day never the less whether you celebrate it or not because it puts the focus on love. Granted, mostly romantic love, but love of all kinds.  Many are married or engaged on this special day, Love is between friends, family members, and that special someone. 
Let's think about what it means to love. Love is not self centered. It wants to please the other person. Love is giving, not taking. Love is a happy feeling. Love is unconditional. Love does not care what you have done but loves and forgives. Love always thinks how to please and wants to do special things. 
So whether it is February 14th or the day after or the day after that keep love alive in your heart. Love is what God wants from us. It is His greatest commandment. 
PRAYER: Lord I love you. I thank you for those in my life who love me despite my flaws and shortcomings. I thank you that your love for us never fails. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Bad Friends Corrupts Morals

A companion of fools suffers ruin. Proverbs 13:20

This devotion is about happens when we hang out with the wrong kind of people. This is especially important as parents of young children who pray for the right kind of friends and future spouses, as we know since one bad friend can change the course of a life. But it is important in all stages of life as the friends we choose, can indeed make us or break us. "One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch", the saying goes. Also a bad friend can lead to a life of misery as well.

Now what about witnessing and winning the lost to Christ you may say? That indeed is crucial but we are not to hang out and be imbedded in the lifestyle of people we know purposely are doing things against the law or the Bible or before we know it we could become desensitized. But you still need to be kind to all types of people and show them God's love just do not get sucked down into their pit with them. After all God was a friend of the sinners and those society cast off. 

A rule of thumb in selecting friends is to ask yourself, "Do my friends lead me closer to God or away from Him?" Now this is not to say you can not befriend unchurched people but if you knowingly hang out with people doing things against the will of God is what I am referring too. If we do not hang out with unchurched friends then how will they ever know of the love of Jesus? Break out of your holy huddle but use caution in doing so.

My prayer for my own children, who are now adults, is a simple one. In John 17:15 it says "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one." We are in the world. We can not live in a bubble. Evil is out there. Be a light in the darkness around you.This friend thing is important in the adult world too as business people can get caught up in schemes to cheat and steal just to make more money so even at work be careful. Witness and be salt but stand up for the truth and for righteousness.

PRAYER: Lord guide my steps each day and let me not wander from the path you have chosen for me but protect me if I do. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

God of Restoration

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—the great locust and the young locust,the other locusts and the locust swarm my great army that I sent among you.Joel 2:25

This verse above in some versions says "I will RESTORE to you the years the locust has eaten." The bad junk Job endured, for instance, God restored it over and above. At times stuff goes on in life we just can't understand why but we have hope because of the promises in verses such as this. We need not think all is lost because our faith keeps us going and our hope for eternal life. 

You probably have heard the saying "He turns our mess into HIS message." That is what it is all about anyway, glorifying God. He does big things to bring restoration. We only need to trust Him and be patient. 

PRAYER: Lord I know you hear my prayers. I know "this too shall pass" for you have a hope for my future. Lord I resist the attempts Satan throws at me to discourage or depress me for I stand on your promises. In Jesus' name. Amen.
          Click link below and worship the Lord in song before heading out the door this morning:

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Saint Or Sinner?

Saint Or Sinner?
Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said.“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin." John 8:10-11
It might surprise you to know we are all sinners. Have you lied? That is a sin. Have your lusted over someone other than a spouse even in a movie? That too is a sin. Have you had hatred in your heart for another human? Bingo! You get the idea. 
Be a witness. Talk to the hurting, the prisoner, those who the world would not have anything to do with. They need the love of God. "We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."(Romans 3:23). Romans 5:6-8 says "For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Christ was not mad at the sinner. He simply said "Go and sin no more." 
There are many temptations in this world. The temptation to lie, cheat, steal, are around us all the time. Keep looking to the cross and to Jesus to keep on the straight and narrow path which leads to salvation and eternal life with Him. 
PRAYER: I know temptations are around me daily Lord but I also know you offer a way out. Help me be consumed by your word and not the world and its' issues and problems. Keep my heart pure and free from sin. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click on link and be prepared to praise God in song:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Love, What Exactly Is It?

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8

The month of love is upon us. Of course I am referring to Valentines' Day. But what is the definition of love? It is strong attraction to another based on kinship or personal ties, such as a mother's love for her children. It could mean deep desire as in sexual love. It is also affections and tenderness felt by lovers. God's love is unconditional. God IS love. The world's idea of love is often perverted by Hollywood and the media. 

The world today tries to imply that a person who disagrees with someone's lifestyle or opinions hates them. This is far from accurate. Hate is a pretty strong word. The definition is not "to disagree". We can disagree with someone and still be kind and love them. Love means you love another person or perhaps a thing. As a believer,we are to love as God loves. Show kindness, tenderness, and willing to put the other person first and foremost. To forgive because you know it is the right thing to do. You can love without always agreeing.

Why not let February be the start of a new you loving others who may be difficult to love.  Do it because God loves you. 

PRAYER: Love truly does lift us up above our problems. I thank you Lord for your example of unconditional love for me.Help me to show this love by praying even for my enemies and those hard to love. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Are You A Quitter?

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

It is easy to quit things. Let's say you are running a race and you just give up so you quit. Maybe you are trying to lose weight and you just haven't done very well so you bail out. Sometimes jobs are not easy to find so you decide to give up and file for unemployment. Many people start a painting project in their home and just get tired and quit. 

Things worth getting take time, patience, and perseverance. A student studying to be a doctor has a distinct goal in mind but a long road ahead. He or she has to keep moving ahead through tests, study, bills, residencies, more tests, more bills and so it goes. The rewards are good for those who do not cave in and give up cause it is too hard.

How many people have quit on God? By this I mean He did not answer a prayer or you had a child die and got mad at God. Incurable cancer struck and once again the "why me" prayer is prayed. God never promised us a life free from problems but He can help you overcome them. Don't quit on Him as when you do you give the devil an opportunity to control your life. You are either for Him or against Him. Where do you stand?

PRAYER: Lord Jesus forgive me if I have ever gotten upset when a prayer is not answered. I know you do not give up and neither should I. I choose to press on. In Jesus' name.Amen.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Be Still And Know That I Am God

Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  Psalm 46:10(NASB)

There is allot of craziness in our world today. Things the Bible says are wrong are legislated into law trying to deem them right. Wars and terrorism attacks go on around the world. Many just shake their heads and wonder, where is God? 

God has not gone anywhere. He is Lord over creation and the entire world. Our days and our  plans are in His hands. His way is truth and righteousness,  which wins in the end. He only asks that we trust Him and BE STILL. In the chaos and confusion He is still in our midst. Evil will not last forever. 

Yesterday's devotion dealt with this as well. A person can not hear too much "rest, relax, have peace'. Whatever it is that is troubling you when you focus on it too much obviously it will rob you of the peace God wishes for you. Tell God you need His help to keep focused on the truth in the Bible and know He reigns. 

PRAYER:Lord Jesus I choose to not get anxious over worldly things. When I get anxious help me to remember to go to my knees in prayer for it is there real peace comes. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Happy Lord's Day...enjoy this worship song. Click link.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Because I Said So

For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. Psalm 33:4

Got a problem or issue you need help with? Try going to the word of God. It is so assuring and comforting especially in hard and confusing times. As I was preparing this devotion I began thinking of all the turmoil in our world and ways the news media keeps putting fear in the heart of man. Measles outbreak, Ebola crisis, missing aircraft, disasters, companies going bankrupt, rising taxes, changes in Biblical marriage, murder, rapes, suicides, wars, beheadings, kidnapping, missing children, and I am sure you can add to the list of what might cause you concern. The good news is that God wants you to trust Him. He is the real Master of the Universe and has things under control.

Some Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled, as many of us know, but still the word is there to comfort and assure you Jesus is Lord and He cares. The Bible says "Fear Not, Fret Not, Be Still, Love One Another, Don't Seek Your Own Revenge, Look Up, Believe in Me, Trust Me" among other promises. I did not include the verses but look in your Bible's concordance and you can find the related verses. 

If you are concerned about something try if nothing else remembering the God said to "Fear Not!" You can really have His perfect peace if you let this get into your inner most being and really trust Him.

PRAYER: Lord you are so good to me. You know the plans for this world and for me and I need not lose sleep over it. I will choose to look up to you instead of worrying about the news. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Changes, They Happen

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
 Most of us do not like change unless it is in our favor say a weight loss or a new job we have been waiting on or a new car. Change makes people uneasy at times. Moving to a new home is pretty common for this retired military wife and Army vet but still when we moved so many times changes sometimes were hard especially as our sons became teenagers. Some changes are necessary but some are not. I know in the military we learned to adapt and be flexible so it was not as bad. With the change you come to make a list of good things and not bad if you expect to remain cheerful and positive.

God is a God who can help you adjust to changes. If you continually let Him hear your heart He can help you master the changes in your life. Changes will always be a part of life. A birth, a death, a divorce, a heartbreak, a job loss, a new job, retirement, new homes, bankruptcy, and on it goes. Don't blame God when bad changes happen cause He is not the one that brings them on. Indeed He can and does use things to your benefit. Many have a devastating change in their life and instead of embracing God they curse Him. Oh child know that God loves you more than you can imagine. He sees the big picture and it is going to be okay. 

So where are you today? What are you facing? Keep running the course ahead of you with all the ups and downs and setups and promotions. Good things are in store. Believe it. 

PRAYER: God you are good and your mercies endure forever and ever. Through good times and bad you are still God and still in control. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Click link and worship God in song:

Thursday, February 5, 2015

More Than A Snippet

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. 2 Timothy 4:2

Do you rush through your time alone with the Lord daily or not have one at all? I know it is a challenge for nearly all people to make this a priority in  life. When asked the question "Is Jesus' first place in your life?" many may respond "Yes" simply because they are associated with a church, denomination or go to church once a week. Let me ask you this, "Does spending one hour with the things of the Lord once a week prioritize it?" I  think the answer would probably be no. Not saying this to judge or condemn as I have been guilty of squeezing Him out of my day too. 
We delight ourselves in many things. Hobbies, sports, your pets, The Super Bowl, Facebook, membership in a club, going to the gym, friends, favorite television shows, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a spouse, our children, reading a favorite book, and many things can really be ahead of God if you consider the time you put in to them. Jesus wants to be 'more than a snippet' in our lives. He does not like being an after thought. He wants to be the center of your life that everything else revolves around. He wants you to get to know Him through daily studying and reading His word in the Bible. 

Somehow the enemy puts a majority of people into a complacent stupor where the Bible is buried under magazines, put up on the shelf, or can't be found at all. What if you had to search for the remote control. I am pretty sure it is right there for most folks who love TV. Why not continue in the 2nd month of 2015 by TRULY igniting a passion for Christ!

PRAYER: Lord I talk big but often times I know I am not striving to be close to you. I get lazy and put off studying the word of God. Other things squeeze it out and I know Satan jumps for joy. I choose from hereon to make the devil mad by getting excited about you Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click the following link and worship God with all your heart:

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

And Suddenly...

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, Luke 2:13
 In our Moms in Prayer group several years ago one of the leaders picked the attribute of God that He was God of the Suddenlys. There are many incidences in scripture where things occurred quickly, suddenly, before people knew what was happening. This particular verse today is one example of several verses. Do a subject search for the word 'suddenly' and see for yourself how many times it appears. 

I think God is trying to get the point across that we need to expect the unexpected. Be ready. Be alert. Keep looking up.Don't be caught unprepared. God is on the throne and He has a bunch of sudden things prepared for us. 

One of the verses besides today's highlighted one that comes to mind is Matthew 2:44 which says "So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." In other words He will come back 'suddenly' with no warning. Many times in life things suddenly happen we are unprepared for. The one thing to make sure of is to look to Jesus and rely on Him to get you through life's 'suddenly' moments. 

PRAYER: Thanks Lord that you are there for me when moments suddenly occur and catch me unprepared. I know you will come back in a sudden moment too to take believers back to Heaven with you. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

God's Top Ten List

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment." Matthew 22:37-38
I am sure most of those reading are familiar with the late night TV host who does a Top Ten List. Top Ten Lists are popular for things like Top Ten Cities to Retire, Top Ten Medical Schools,Top Ten Most Affordable States To Live In, Top Ten Safest Automobiles. God has His Top Ten List too and it is called The Ten Commandments. These are found in Exodus Chapter 20. 
If only we could follow the Ten Commandments as a society how much better life would be. In a nutshell, don't put other gods before Him. Don't murder. Don't steal. Don't lie. Don't have sex outside marriage. Keep The Sabbath Holy. Honor your mom and dad. Don't take God's name in vain. Be content with your stuff and don't desire your neighbors stuff. Don't worship idols. Ten little things, just ten. Our enemy Satan is at work to try to get us to break them each and every day. 
Even when you have broken a Ten Commandment God is the God of grace and forgiveness. Once the Holy Spirit is living inside you when you sin you know it. For instance, a half truth is a lie. Not being entirely honest is a lie. Forgetting about God and doing your own thing on Sunday breaks God's heart but so too does just checking a block and not living for Him the rest of the week. 
Our nation needs to get back to the place of letting Jesus be Lord but instead we try to legislate God out of everything. He is not going anywhere by the way. Today start your day not feeling condemned but knowing God loves you and wants you to love Him back with your whole heart. If you have lost that love and have made your own Top Ten List He is ready for you to run back to Him today.
PRAYER: I thank you Lord you are not a God of rules but of grace. You have standards called commandments that if only we would follow how much better off we would be. Your greatest command is to love and help me to do that even to the unloveable. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click on link to worship the Lord in song:

Monday, February 2, 2015

Unsticking Yourself Part Two

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Philippians 4:8

After writing a devotion on getting unstuck this past week, a friend asked me an example of how I got unstuck. Now the word unstuck is not really proper English but gets my point across never the less. My Uncle, the English professor, would roll over in his grave no doubt. I have a few examples, but one recently, is the fact on worrying what others think or focusing on issues in life you can do nothing about. 

Dwelling on rejection by a friend was a huge topic for me in 2014. Most of those close to me know all about it and I am learning lessons from it even though hard. But when two of your very closest friends, neither of which lives here anymore, want nothing to do with you, you can not just sit and cry and beg them to come back, but you have to keep looking up and moving forward. Learn from this and do not hate or harbor ill feelings or resentment. Knowing God may have closed a door for a reason and not to try to keep shoving it open. To do this it is necessary to look at things "above' and praise God for the good in your life and the abundance of friends you do have and let the past issues go. 

If you have dealt with this type of rejection you know what I mean. Trying to figure things out and bugging people only drives the wedge further. You have to give it to Jesus and just forget it as hard as it is to do. Let God be the strength of your life as you journey on and forget the hurts and past and focus on good. 

PRAYER: Lord I need you in my life all the time. You are my source of joy and hope. When friends fail, you are there. You love me with an unconditional love and teach me to not hate. Help me to love others this perfectly. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Do You Need Rest?

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Matthew 11:28

Do you often feel like you are just spinning your wheels and going nowhere? Perhaps confused, lonely, tired, scared, lost and have no direction in life? Maybe you feel at the end of your rope. You messed up and you feel hopeless? 

God is the resting place you need. Alcohol, hobbies, sports, drugs, fame, your job all seem to be dead ends and something is missing. Perhaps that something is JESUS. I did not say church. Many people go to church weekly but they still have no peace and rest and Jesus is not number one in their life. Their relationship is with Sunday morning and a denomination more than being sold out to JESUS. 

When Jesus is truly number one in your life you can start seeing everything else you do from a different perspective. Bad things that happen don't get you down as much. If you have never asked Him to come into your heart why not do so today. 

PRAYER:Lord I know you yearn to truly be first place in my life. I want the things that break your heart to break mine. In Jesus' name. Amen.