By this I do not mean do you have physical heart problems but how is
your heart attitude? Humans have either a good heart or an evil heart.
The heart can be loving or hateful. It can be filled with joy or
sorrow. So how is your heart?
of giving our heart to Jesus when we accept Him or "ask Him into your
heart" or in other words ask Him to come into your heart and transform
you to be more Christlike.
We see evil in our society and these evil individuals no doubt have an
evil heart and are listening to Satan more than God. They thrive on
hurting God's children and bringing evil into the world. That is why
it is so very crucial for those who name the name of Jesus to make
sure Jesus is truly in your heart. Do you have a heart to serve Him
and live for Him or are you more infatuated with things in this world?
Luke 6:45(NIV) says 'the good man brings good things out of the good
stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of
the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart
his mouth speaks.' Proverbs 4:23(NIV) tells us 'Above all else, guard
your heart for out of it flow the issues of life.'
Matthew 6:21(NIV) says 'Where your treasure is there will your heart
be also'. A friend of mine once said she prayed her child's spouse
would love God, more than his or her spouse, as putting God first isheart" or in other words ask Him to come into your heart and transform
you to be more Christlike.
We see evil in our society and these evil individuals no doubt have an
evil heart and are listening to Satan more than God. They thrive on
hurting God's children and bringing evil into the world. That is why
it is so very crucial for those who name the name of Jesus to make
sure Jesus is truly in your heart. Do you have a heart to serve Him
and live for Him or are you more infatuated with things in this world?
Luke 6:45(NIV) says 'the good man brings good things out of the good
stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of
the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart
his mouth speaks.' Proverbs 4:23(NIV) tells us 'Above all else, guard
your heart for out of it flow the issues of life.'
Matthew 6:21(NIV) says 'Where your treasure is there will your heart
be also'. A friend of mine once said she prayed her child's spouse
the key to a right heart and showing ultimate love to those around
Where are you today? Is it time for a "heart check up" or a "heart transplant"?
PRAYER: Lord Jesus you are first in my heart. I want your love to flow
through me to others. Give me a servants heart in all my
relationships. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click on the two links below to help start your morning off with someyou.
Where are you today? Is it time for a "heart check up" or a "heart transplant"?
PRAYER: Lord Jesus you are first in my heart. I want your love to flow
through me to others. Give me a servants heart in all my
relationships. In Jesus' name. Amen.
wonderful praise and worship songs:
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