There have been times when I have heard people over 60 say 'I would like to work but I will never get hired as I am too old." Excuse me, but age is a state of mind. If you talk like that if you happen to be 60 or over you will convince yourself you are washed up and no use to anyone in society. You can always keep learning, keep growing, keep reaching for a dream or a goal no matter what age you happen to be as long as there are not health limitations. I have met workers in stores who are into the empty nest years having fun rediscovering themselves, setting goals, and starting a new adventure or hobby. In my travels I have met flight attendants who took the job after the children had grown and left home. There have been inventors and authors who got ideas later in life. Satan would love you to believe this lie as then he can get you sitting in a rocker not using your creative abilities. God can and will always use you!
Someone over 60 should not be ashamed of their age. They have many experiences in life and much to contribute to the world around them. If not a paid job then they can volunteer. It is not just the young that are important but the "young at heart" as well. So no more excuses. Keep setting goals and looking to contribute to society around you in a positive way.
The Foundation For a Better Life has the greatest billboards. Check out their website at These superb series of billboards bring hope and encouragement to a discouraged world. Our world could always use a good dose of hope. Our hope as believers is in Lord Jesus Christ, not a government or a mere individual.One of the billboards showed a 97 year old woman and the caption was something like 'Oldest Graduate', Perseverance, Pass it On.'
There is a verse in Psalm 92:14 (TLB) which says 'Even in old age they will still produce fruit and be vital and green.' My friend, set your mind on good things and 'God things' and prepare to have an outstanding journey in life. Do not listen to the worldly voices around you saying fifty is old. That is nutty in my humble opinion. And stay home moms out there, your job is vitally important and should not be demeaned as saying 'they just stay at home'. You are contributing to the formation of the future of that wonderful blessing God has given you. Hold your head up high and be thankful you get to stay home and raise your children.
From here on out just remember that whatever you do you are working for the Lord. he has created you for His purposes. Shine for Him no matter what your age.
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