You know how it is when your cell phone runs low on 'battery juice' as I call it. It eventually will not make or receive calls. Not much good to you in a 'dead' condition now is it? Other things like laptops, IPADs,and digital and video camera's need to stay charged to be effective as well. During our recent tornado outbreak here in Alabama there was a five day power outage for many in this area. At this time we saw how important battery power was.
As a believer in Christ it is essential that you stay 'charged up' as well .If you claim to know Jesus as your saviour do you take the time you need to spend time in meditation and prayer to get your day off to a good start? It is a sort of 'recharging' of your batteries to get alone with God and your Bible and spend time getting 'recharged' for the Lord so you are equipped to better handle whatever comes your way that day. No one can keep going and going and not get rest. There are very few 'Energizer Bunnies" out there. If you do not rest you would be absolutely worn out. Resting in the Lord too is essential and this does not mean going to bed at night using the Bible as a pillow. You as a child of God need to to refresh, renew and recharge as well. How can you expect to be effective for the kingdom of God if you are worn out or ill prepared?
Many people claim they are not 'morning people' but I find that is the best time of the day, at least for me, to get both spiritual recharging done as well as physical recharging, otherwise known as taking care of the temple of God or exercise. Mark 1:35 says "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." This is a discipline for many as they may stay up too late and just like to sleep in. But if you take the time with the Lord in the morning you seem to have more time in your day and you can face the battles that life may throw at you better. Luke 5:16 says that "But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer." One thing I like to do is occasionally even go away from my home to recharge on what Moms in Touch ( calls a DAWG or 'day alone with God' where you go to a park or someplace free of people and distractions and take your Bible and a notebook to write in. Leave cell phones off or in your car and enjoy the time alone with the Lord.
The Bible is our spiritual food and our battery recharger. Do not let your power for Jesus die out by neglecting to do the things that make you strong in the Lord.
PRAYER: Lord today and every day I need to have you firmly in my life. Sometimes I neglect my quiet times and often I never even pick up the Bible to see what you would have me learn. I know I can not be strong in the Lord and close to you if I do not take this time each day to renew and recharge. Help me Lord to make myself get up and have enough time to spend some alone time before my day gets too busy and you are once again squeezed out. In Jesus Name. Amen.
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