And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me, In His tent I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. Hear, O Lord when I cry aloud; Be gracious and compassionate to me and answer me.Psalm 27:6-7
Wow it is quite an understatement to say our world has been rocked this past few months and the shaking continues with race riots, violence, Supreme Court acting like lawmakers instead of legislators, ministers being misunderstood, social distancing keeping you away from those you love to include attending funerals or celebrations , debates on whose opinion is right. Oh my goodness, help me Jesus!
Sometimes you may just develop the attitude that you don’t care. Life has to still go on. Day to day activities inside the home continue. The military still protects and defends us sometimes separated from their families. The world is still spinning. The sun rises and sets. The stars twinkle at night.
The one who helps you go on is God. He loves you. He protects you. He is in control. The enemy is who destroys, divides, lies, deceives, causes quarrels. For just a moment can’t we all unite in the same thing and that is defeating Satan in this huge warfare he is putting us in. Is your Spiritual Armor on?
PRAYER: Lord help me to stay lifted up even when I may feel down. I know your purposes prevail. Help me discern good from evil and cast out any spirits that are not from you. Help my friends and family stay lifted up as well and give them peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I love the praise chorus that comes from that passage of Psalms.