Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.1 Timothy 6:17
If you are blessed enough to have money invested in the stock market you probably have felt like singing the ‘blues’ these past couple months. Putting fear into the heart of mankind is a sure way to get the Wall Street in a panic. But God is way bigger than the New York Stock Exchange, who do you trust?
Instead of focusing on earthly news reports that has nothing to do with your walk with the Lord or future in Heaven why not seriously make a point to act like a child of God and know He is going to take care of you. He is your security. You don’t need to trust in man made things at all. God has your back.
Fear paralyzes people and makes them do things they otherwise would not. Guess who the author of fear is? Satan. He kills joy, steals peace, creates terror and panic. If you are feeling overwhelmed get back to the word of God which should be your only source during these strange times.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus I admit to freaking out when I noticed all our savings in 401k taking a nose dive but then I realize you are the one I needed to trust in not the almighty bank or stocks. You are my provider. Thanks for peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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