For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--Ephesians 2:8
Getting things free is fun isn’t it? That is how many merchants lure people in offering freebies or supposed discounts. Guess what, God gives free refills on a daily basis if you allow Him to.
Salvation is a free gift from him, not anything you have to earn. Each and every day His gift to you is His word, The Holy Bible yet how many of us fail to even open it up and some may not even know where their Bible is. If it is out on a table it should be more than a coffee table decoration.
Satan can fill your mind with all sorts of lies and excuses for keeping you from truly knowing Jesus. Religion and denominations often get in the way to cloud the real truth of the gospel message. Do you want free daily refills? Do you want to feel closer to God? For starters open up the book of John and just start reading then forget the manmade things many denominations teach and just ask Jesus to come and live in your heart and give you an hunger for the word.
PRAYER:Father God I want to know you better. I love free refills so come and fill my heart now with overflowing love and joy and remove the ugliness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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