Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2
Those in the diet industry are very crafty with their marketing. They could probably get eskimos to buy ice. There is one which is called a detox or a cleanse which makes it sound that after 14 Days pounds will just melt off. Wrong.
How about a detox program from this world you live in? Try purging morning shows, wrong reading material, bad TV or movies, grocery store tabloids, social media addiction, texting instead of talking, the morning newspaper, or in other words anything that puts wrong thoughts or the lies of the world into your head.
If you can start today and if you are tempted to watch a morning show which normally is mindless chatter instead turn to a Christian station if you are blessed to have them. I have 8. Fill your mind with God’s word not others opinions or hateful comments. Discipline your mind for 14 Days and see if you can’t start feeling better.
PRAYER: I choose to think on things that build up and not gossip, rumors, hate filled news, movie star news, or things of the flesh. I want my mind to be controlled by the Spirit not the flesh. Let the detox begin. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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