And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them. Luke 6:31
I have been reading an awesome book I got after being in the studio audience at The Huckabee Show a month or so ago. It is entitled Angels on Earth by Laura Schroff. On page 121 of the book they talk about the ‘helper’s high’ or feeling you get when you help people. I can attest to that feeling after helping with cleanup in the aftermath of the April 27, 2011 tornados that ripped through nearby with F4/5 winds. It feels good to reach out.
The helper high can be to the less fortunate of any sort. But when you do good deeds don’t shout it from the roof top but just do it and feel good as a result. Many opportunities to help are all around everywhere. Samaritans Purse Ministry has a way a person can be notified of disasters and sign up to volunteer. It could be as simple as helping a friend or helping serve at your church.
Helping others takes your mind off yourself. The enemy likes you to think about yourself and in this selfie obsessed world it is not hard to do. Reach out and go on a local mission trip or just keep your ears and eyes open to need. You are the hands and feet of Jesus so go reach out why don’t you.
PRAYER: You have blessed me Lord so I can bless others. Many people have all sorts of needs and perhaps I can help meet some of them. This does not mean money necessarily but the gift of time. Help me not shut my ears to the cries of others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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