“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrew 12:2Oh my goodness just look around you in every day life and see people all over gazing down at their mobile devices. You become a slave to your device when it is necessary to have it with you constantly. I am so thankful there were no cell phones when our sons were born. I see so many young mothers scolding or ignoring their children while they pay attention to the device and not their child. It is quite sad in my opinion. Heads constantly facing down in epidemic proportions.So how to tame this monster which people seem to not be able to live without? I remember in the Army we used to sing a Jody Call that said “What’s the use in looking down, ain’t no discharge on the ground. Sound off one two, sound off three four “ and so on. Keep you head held high. Pay attention to others. Look up as if you are looking up to the heavens. When you look down all the time it can strain your neck as well.Segway into the theme of keeping your eyes on Jesus and looking up to Him. He is your source of joy, peace , goodness, mercy, love and it is because of Him we exist. When you are with others put that phone away. When you drive, throw it in the backseat so you are not tempted. And when you do get it out use it for quiet time as many good resources are online. But do it not at the expense of people and relationships.PRAYER: Lord you have given mankind many creative abilities one of which was creation of cellular devices and the internet. Help me Lord to use my time wisely and to put people ahead of my need to know everything. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand
It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Start Looking Up
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Blocked, Shunned, Unfriended
If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:3
I hate these three words. Losing a friend or even a family member to an unforgiving spirit hurts like a knife being stuck in your heart. Why is it so hard to move on, forgive, let go, and forget? I have been there, done that so to speak on the receiving end and it is emotionally painful.
Have you ever given thought to how many people are truly lonely and hurting everywhere? Nursing homes come to mind, then prisons, then the person eating alone at a restaurant on a holiday. Even a smile to someone as you go about your day may mean the world. So many frowning faces out there aren’t there?
Don’t let you catch yourself refusing to forgive. Unforgiveness leads to a bitter spirit and does not benefit anyone. If you know of a person who refuses to let go pray for them. Hard hearts are not good. Think of what you can do to mend a broken heart and don’t let yourself be the one who has fractured someone’s.
PRAYER: Many people in the world are lonely or alone. Many people have broken hearts and the others have wounded spirits from their past that may cause them to hurt others. Bring revival in the hearts of those I may know who fit into any of these categories. And help me Lord reach out to someone who appears to be hurting. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Be Delighted
Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. – Psalm 119:35I feel so sad for people who try to make it through life without Jesus or maybe just with a marginal existence as a believer. By this I mean they have no true desire to get in the word and to some they find it boring.I truly do find DELIGHT in the pages of scripture and hope you do too. In them are found the answers or solutions to most of life problems or at least how to handle them. Striking out as a Lone Ranger Christian is never a really good idea. We need each other to build one another up. Prisoners of war during Vietnam who were believers had the word of God ‘hidden’ in their heart to call on in times of distress and turmoil.If you don’t really desire the Word first ask yourself why? Maybe you grew up where the church you attended did not emphasize bringing your Bible. The Bible is like a ‘toolbox’ of sorts helping us work out the bumps of everyday life. If it were not so effective why is it so many countries ban it? If you have not asked Jesus to be Lord of your life maybe it is time to do that now. I know once I became ‘born again’ I thirsted for the word. Do you thirst for God’s word? If not ask God to place a hunger for the Bible in your heart.PRAYER: I love you Lord and love your word. There are those I know who don’t even read it and are in danger of being trapped by the world’s lies. I pray for those people. Continue to make me hunger and thirst for your words. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Monday, November 27, 2017
More Than A Kim By Ya Moment
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17
Different people have different experiences with how they relate to The Almighty. Some feel a seriousness and formal way is best. Many just do it cause they were taught to go to church but sadly that is where it ends. Then there are those who go and feel they are on God’s Team but really lack any real passion for the things of the Lord. Others are mad at God because he didn’t stop the death of someone close. There are many scenarios.
I must say from personal experience that once you fall in love with Jesus truly you will know it. It is called being born again. Loving Jesus is more than a feel good moment around a camp fire but it is a desire to serve Him and love others. It is a journey of ups and downs. It does not mean your life will be perfect but you will have the blessed hope of eternal life in Heaven.
Where do you stand today? Do you desire Jesus more than anything else? Listen to the song I have attached to this devotion and let the Holy Spirit fill your soul. Have a blessed day.
PRAYER: Father in Heaven I love you but there have been times I have thought I really only needed you on Sunday. Forgive me. I pray for friends and family who may be fence sitters and have no real desire to grow. Touch their hearts and let them have a passion for you, In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Click link for a song of worship:
Sunday, November 26, 2017
First Fifteen
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33
I got the idea for this devotion from a sermon I heard at our church a while back and it is so vitally important if you want to really put God first and stop just giving it lip service. Many things vie for your time as soon as the alarm clock goes off but it is what you decide to do that matters.
First fifteen consists of five minutes Bible reading, five minutes in worship, and five minutes in prayer. The plan sounds very doable even if you are rushed. You could start reading in the book of Psalms to start out. Worship consists of good music that make you want to praise God an lifts your spirit. Finally take time to pray. Really pour your heart out to God.
Most reading this devotion already probably have a grasp of how important it is to spend time with God and may live with others who do not or have extended family who are complacent. Keep believing and lifting them up as well. Your job is not to drag them to the cross but to have The Holy Spirit to give them that desire. Now go take fifteen!
PRAYER: Lord you are good and gracious and patient with me even when I rush out the door and totally give you zero time. I want my focus to be on you and start my day praising you. Help me get rid of strongholds that may be keeping me from this. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Bible Spa
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old is gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17
Rejuvenation sounds good. A back or neck massage. Cool glass of iced tea. Most everyone would probably not reject the idea of being pampered.
Maybe there needs to be a Bible spa to get people interested in God's word. Some of you may live with people who never open the Bible or have quiet time. Maybe you don't. The idea of a spa day with God's word seems comical perhaps but the point I am making is what needs to be done to draw people to this daily discipline?
Maybe there needs to be a Bible spa to get people interested in God's word. Some of you may live with people who never open the Bible or have quiet time. Maybe you don't. The idea of a spa day with God's word seems comical perhaps but the point I am making is what needs to be done to draw people to this daily discipline?
A persons heart has to be changed. No amount of prodding will effect true desire and change. Satan uses everything he can to keep you from spending time with the Lord daily.
Purpose in your heart to make every day a Spa day with Jesus. Not out of obligation but because you want to. Pray for others you may know who seem disinterested beyond that dutiful hour in Sunday then trust God with the results.
PRAYER: Lord your word speaks to me daily. I treasure it and if there was cause to evacuate in a storm would run get my Bible. Forgive me if I ever just ignored you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Blood Of Jesus Friday
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7
Black Friday is upon us here in America. The one crazy crowded shopping day after Thanksgiving where bargains are galore and people are everywhere. I tend to avoid this day and opt for Cyber Monday in the comfort of my home on the following Monday.
Wouldn’t it be great if people got as excited about the real meaning of this Holy Holiday as they do the buying frenzy? Many credit cards are maxed out. If you are caught up in this worldly activity have you ever wanted to escape? It certainly may be a tradition for some but is it a peaceful God honoring one? Do you feel good after buying all day long? Don’t forget to donate to Salvation Army Red buckets when you see one.
So should we have a national ‘Blood of Jesus Friday’ and completely shut down stores and spend time renewing our mind with the king of Kings praising Him for who He is? Don’t forget to teach your children and grandchildren to love Jesus with all their hearts. On Black Friday why not give to others if you are out that day. Share Jesus!
PRAYER: Oh Lord how I love you. I don’t want to get caught up in the worldly frenzy around the celebration of your birth.Help me purposeful in reaching out to others but continue last December. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Gobble, Gobble! Thankful! Thankful!
O nations of the world, recognize the Lord, recognize that the Lord is glorious and strong. Give to the Lord the glory he deserves! Bring your offering and come into his presence. Worship the Lord in all his holy splendor. Let all the earth tremble before him. The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. (NLT) 1 Chronicles 16:28-30,34
The first unofficial thanksgiving was held in the fall of 1621 when the Pilgrims and native Americans sat down to celebrate the bountiful harvest. have tried to ruin it and some places This was always one of my favorite days. Family, thankfulness,food.a great combination.
The source of all you have is in fact the Lord whether some choose to acknowledge it or not. Take time this day between all the busyness of the day to make a list of what you are thankful for. Spend time in prayer. Ponder that first Thanksgiving Day.
Every day should be a day of thanksgiving. Not a day to be jealous of others or angry about injustices but a day to truly say thanks to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Rejoice and enjoy your day however you choose to spend it.
PRAYER: Oh Lord I am indeed grateful for living where I do, having clean water,electricity, friends and family that love me. I choose this day to focus on blessings. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Follow The Path
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
On a recent trip to the Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama I got off the designated plan laid out by visitors guide and consequently ended up outside the facility where there were no unlocked doors. Had I read the guide book I would have known the proper route and not ended up locked out.
Do you follow God's rule book or do you strike out independently doing things your own way? God's way is best. If you ignore His word and feel you can be your own god then soon you will find yourself aimlessly wandering with no purpose.
Don't listen to the voices in this worlds' culture or you will surely go astray and lose your way. Just because something is popular does not mean it is right. Have you become arrogant and self sufficient thinking you have no time for God? Now is the time to decide to resist the world's ways and follow God's way.
PRAYER: I can get tempted by things that aren't going to lead me to you. Help me hear your voice Lord and forgive me when I act like I no longer need guidance. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
It’s Coming!Are You Ready?
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke10:41-42
You probably think I mean Christmas but I am referring to Thanksgiving which to me is a much more relaxed pleasant peaceful holiday celebration. Even though Christmas seems to get people worked up into a frenzy is it for the right reasons? Of course the answer is no. Are you one of those people who say each year you are not going to get caught up and stressed out then voila it happens again?
Start thinking just what it is that you are truly thankful for. Maybe instead of gobbling down food until a fork lift needs to remove you from the dining table stop and ponder what this upcoming day really means? What does being thankful mean to you every other day as well.
Stop and take a breath. Ask yourself what is really important. In all this craziness be sure to stop each day and spend time alone with God. You give thanks to him so don’t forget him.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for each day of life you have given me. Thank you just for the blessing of having a roof over my head as many do not, or food on the table. Help slow me down from expectations and enjoy life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Breathe, Relax, Breathe, Pray
Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:11
Our world is in chaos. A president gets elected Who is not a politician and opposition increases to destroy him. People who stand for the truth have their character shredded. Free speech other than Christian free speech is welcome Christians being called hateful. Oh my but Satan is doing a job isn’t he? Nice people post ugly hateful things on Social media then still claim to love Jesus. What are we becoming my friend?We are not to be in allegiance to a skin color, political party, television station, newspaper, but are to be in allegiance to the Red, white and blue if you live here in these United States and more importantly to our savior and Lord Jesus Christ. He isn’t sitting around screaming, saying mean things, and worried about the future. He is the future.Satan continues to lie and deceive many people. If you catch yourself getting angry or border-lining on posting ugly comments on social media step back, go get your Bible and pray.PRAYER: Freedom is indeed not free. We have come close a few times in being tricked into losing our freedoms. Open the eyes of every man and woman regardless of political persuasion to get on their knees and pray. I pray for those who do not love you Lord and who need you in their life to be witnessed to by someone who crosses their path. I thank you for the godly people surrounding our President with prayer daily. Help us to love and not hate. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Banging People Over The Head With Bible..Not A Great Idea
"What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs--beautiful on the outside but filled on the inside with dead people's bones and all sorts of impurity. Matthew 23:27
For people who are not frequent church goers many may have the idea of Christians being ‘religious’ or ‘Bible thumpers’ or worst yet ‘banging people over the head with their Bibles’. Hopefully no one reading this fits in to any of these three categories. To win people to the Lord it does not take screaming at them or condemning them but instead kindness. After all Jesus was kind wasn’t he?The woman caught in adultery was told to go and sin no more. Zacheus the tax collector had Jesus eat a meal at his house. The thieves hanging on the two crosses next to Him were forgiven. No hatred, anger, berating, acting self righteous but a show of kindness and mercy.When you act like you are perfect or better than someone obviously you are not. Feeling smug and sinless is not a good way to be. But how many people do you know who are won to Christ by being condemned or screamed at? Not too many I would suppose. Go and let your everyday journey be a witness to God’s love and be ready to share if someone asks you about the hope you have inside of you.PRAYER: Your steadfast love never ceases. I pray for the ability to share your love with kindness and grace should anyone approach me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Where Is The Manger?
And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death- even death on a cross! Philippians 2:8
Recently as I walked my town park track there amidst the Christmas decorations on the grassy area inside the track, I noted there was nothing to make it be called a ‘Christmas’ scene. Elves, reindeer, toy soldiers, helicopter, tractor, Santa, merry go round, candy canes, but no Christ child. Now this park had him last year but this year so far there is no manger.
What have we become as a country founded on Christian principles and the word when we ignore His existence? After all, whose birthday is it? It certainly is not Santa’s! Jesus is indeed the reason for this season but why do so many people forget him?
The Christ child was born into the world to save us from our sins. Why is it so many have ignored him or even played the church or religious game but then pay homage to Santa instead? I urge you as this season is upon us to make sure you do the right thing and envelope yourself and your family in the true meaning of this special day.
PRAYER: Father it is fun for children at Christmas but help parents to realize that teaching about the babe in the manger far overshadows anything else. I pray for those who do not understand and for those cities and towns that won’t acknowledge him on his birthday. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Update: This park finally added the baby. (:
Friday, November 17, 2017
Tuning Into God
My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments. Colossians 2:2-4
Your day has started. Rush, rush, rush already. Busy, busy, busy. When on earth can you possibly slow your pace to tune in to the still small voice yearning to spend time with you? I am speaking of God.
So many things try to get your attention and in today’s wired society you must be creative to carve out time alone with God. This should be the first thing you WANT to do not an after thought. So set your alarm earlier. If a mom with small children, do it with them. On your lunch break at work, go find a place alone to pray and hear God’s voice through the Word. Make it happen. Desire it to happen.
So much of what you may think is necessary is truly not. Off goes the news, off goes the morning show, off goes the Facebook updates. If you truly desire to do this then you can!
PRAYER: It happened again. I rushed around and forgot to even say hi to you Lord or thank you. I am ashamed of myself. The enemy throws out excuses so I choose to sit down and be still with you. Convict me of this need. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Don't Worry...Be Happy!
I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4
Such a catchy tune a few years back but do you apply its meaning to your everyday life? Is it possible to live a worry free life?
If you are honest you will say you have indeed worried. Probably everyone has but why? It doesn’t change things. As the character of a Russian prisoner in the movie ‘Bridge Of Spies’ said to his court appointed attorney played by actor Tom Hanks when asked if he was worried, he replied “would it help?”When a fisherman casts his line into the water to catch fish he doesn’t jump in the water to grab it back as that would be self defeating and he would not catch fish. Similarly we are told in scripture to cast our cares on Him. Don’t go in and continually take them back. When you give your worries and concerns to God leave them then start focusing on uplifting things and let them go.PRAYER: Father God I don’t like to worry or fret but sometimes I find myself caving. Help me Lord to fully trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
What Is First Thing You Reach For In Morning?
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20
Mobile device? Computer? News paper? Remote control? Basically the point I am trying to make is what do you make time for and what habits have you developed? At the end of these habits is there any time to spend with Jesus in His word? It is only by spending time that we develop God’s character.
It may require discipline for you to stop grabbing your mobile device and checking into Facebook daily. Sure there are Christian things on Facebook, I get that. My devotion is posted there after all. The thing is your heart is where your first love is. Do you just really want to barely get by as a Christian or do you want to be filled with power to face your battles daily?
Maybe today is the day you need to develop a new Plan A and insure you are making time for our Lord and Savior. Don’t do it out of obligation then it rarely will affect you. If you know you are weak in this area talk to God and ask Him to help you reorder your earthly priorities. You will be glad you did!
PRAYER: Father I want to hunger and thirst for you but often times I barely even take a nibble. Shame on me. I want to have self control to spend time where it counts. Please help me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Keeping Your Eyes On Jesus, Regardless
Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
When things are going good it is easy to keep your eyes on Jesus and be thankful but when stuff seemingly is going not so well where is your trust? Fear can enter in a moments notice with no invitation. Are you going to allow it in is the question.
Keep your eyes on Jesus when:
You feel like complaining
You are ungrateful
You are angry
Hopelessness sets in
You feel selfish
Tragedy occurs
You feel let down
Fear knocks at your door
You are frustrated
If you are sad and lonely
During a pity party
If friends disappoint you
If you get bad news
You feel like complaining
You are ungrateful
You are angry
Hopelessness sets in
You feel selfish
Tragedy occurs
You feel let down
Fear knocks at your door
You are frustrated
If you are sad and lonely
During a pity party
If friends disappoint you
If you get bad news
Basically when you can turn your eyes totally upon Jesus it leaves little room for the devil to get in your peripheral vision. Totally immerse yourself in his love and his promises. Get rid of things in your life that cause you to lean towards not trusting Jesus.
PRAYER: I love you Lord but there have been occasional moments when fear starts to seep in and I know it is wrong. Help me to totally trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
PRAYER: I love you Lord but there have been occasional moments when fear starts to seep in and I know it is wrong. Help me to totally trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Ouch! That Hurts!
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:12-15
Say a friend or a family member has hurt you unintentionally or maybe intentionally with misspoken words some of which are very painful. This friend then wants reconciliation but you stubbornly resist. Or it could be the opposite case where you hurt someone unintentionally and they no longer care to hang out with you. Honestly is this what our savior died for?
Relationships can be precarious but there has to be the ‘bigger person’ to be able to bite the bullet so to speak and move on. Holding a grudge or having anger not only is not what God wants but it hurts both your witness and your health. Forgiveness is a tall order but isn’t that part of what being a Christian is all about? Some people you may even humanly despise but even holding this anger in your heart is still not right.
Today why not release your anger and your ‘right’ to be angry and even if certain individuals still snub you and treat you poorly love them anyway. Didn’t Jesus do that? Just saying!
PRAYER: Lord I hurt so bad when someone has wronged me and go through stages of anger but I know I need to truly let it go bad truly forgive. Further more I know you desire for me to pray for those who hurt me. Help me do just that. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
The Two J's
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. Galatians 5:22
This is not a writing about a singing duo. The two ‘letter j’ words I am referring to in this writing are judging and jealously. Both stink, pure, plain and simple. I have struggled with both. If you want to have a victorious life in Christ you need to learn how to deal with both of these things that do not bring you closer to the kingdom.You may feel cheated because someone has less financial struggles than you or a better house. Maybe you judge folks wrongly before you know their whole story say someone overweight or dressed poorly. It could be you are a jealous grandparent who wishes you had more time with your grandchild and compare yourself to other grandparent. You could be jealous of another's success. The list of topics for jealously and judging is endless.Try to not go to either area. Practice love and the fruits of the spirit listed in the verse for today. Jealously and judgment come from the pit of hell and they are designed to create division and hatred. Don’t even go there. Pray God to give you a transformed heart if you suffer with either.PRAYER: I know Lord when I have ever judged someone or had a twinge of jealousy it is totally not right and I hate doing so help me stop. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Outstanding Veterans
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13Way FM Christian radio mentioned they had a veterans page on their website that you could give a shout out to an outstanding veteran you may know. As a Army veteran I am far from being a hero or outstanding but every single military veteran who took the oath of office to protect and defend their country from enemies both foreign and domestic and was discharged honorably, is outstanding in my humble opinion. Training is not piece of cake nor is learning the discipline they instill in you.Veterans signed up to serve not knowing if they would be ever in harms way. Some served in peacetime like yours truly and I possess no fancy service medals, but those called to combat and those guard members who were deployed and left civilian jobs to go answer the call deserve our utmost respect. Also those brave heroes who saved the lives of many with heroic actions.Jesus of course laid down his life for us as we are his friends. He took upon himself the sins of the world. Are you living for a greater purpose than yourself? Are you thankful for your freedom? Many laid down their lives or were severely injured in battle to protect what we believe in and stand for in America. Take time to visit a military cemetery if you live near one. Go to a Veterans Day parade if your community has one. We are indeed blessed. God bless America!
PRAYER: I thank you Lord for the gift of freedom. There have been moments our freedom was threatened. Thank you for the ability to worship freely and stand up for what we believe. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Don't Be A Dream Killer
NOTE: I forgot to post this devotion on 9 October so here it is!
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
Recently I rewatched the 2002 Hollywood movie 'The Rookie' the true story about Jim Morris whose dream to be a Major League Baseball player came true beyond the age most would consider it. Look it up on Netflix. The man's father had continually squashed his dream even growing up and he showed obvious talent as a pitcher. Another 2016 Hollywood movie 'Eddie The Eagle' also a true story about Eddie Edwards is a similar dream this time about an unlikely prospect for an Olympic Ski Jumper who did in fact make the team representing Great Britain in 1988. Sports movies can teach lots about never quitting.
Do you have a dream? In high school I wanted to be a class officer and after two failed attempts and encouragement by my best friend I succeeded in getting elected treasurer two years in a row. Another was to publish a book which I did but not through agents and publishers clamoring for me, never the less I got it done. Your dream may be to go to Juilliard, work on Broadway, play Major League Baseball, running a marathon, invent a cure for paralysis. Whatever it is and it could be a simple dream, keep plugging and never give up. Keep hoping. I like the verse Ephesians 3:20 which says in a nutshell "God can do immeasurably more than we think or ask".
Keep trying, keep pursuing, keep training, keep writing, keep submitting those resumes, you get the idea. Don't give up in life on something you truly want to do. Think hopeful positive thoughts and you may in fact just get there!
PRAYER: It is so easy to quit and give up on your dreams. I give you the praise and glory for everything I accomplish in my life Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Do you have a dream? In high school I wanted to be a class officer and after two failed attempts and encouragement by my best friend I succeeded in getting elected treasurer two years in a row. Another was to publish a book which I did but not through agents and publishers clamoring for me, never the less I got it done. Your dream may be to go to Juilliard, work on Broadway, play Major League Baseball, running a marathon, invent a cure for paralysis. Whatever it is and it could be a simple dream, keep plugging and never give up. Keep hoping. I like the verse Ephesians 3:20 which says in a nutshell "God can do immeasurably more than we think or ask".
Keep trying, keep pursuing, keep training, keep writing, keep submitting those resumes, you get the idea. Don't give up in life on something you truly want to do. Think hopeful positive thoughts and you may in fact just get there!
PRAYER: It is so easy to quit and give up on your dreams. I give you the praise and glory for everything I accomplish in my life Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Give, Give, and Give Some More
Give , and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38
I don’t know about you, but I love to give presents or do surprise things. It is just fun! Makes me smile and hopefully the recipient smiles to. I don’t do it to get noticed or get brownie points but it is part of my DNA and I can’t stop myself.
We are approaching the the two times of year givers come out of the woodwork because being kind and nice just feels like the thing to do at Christmas and Thanksgiving. Guess what? Those hurting and needy people are still there January through October. I am not faulting anyone who only does this charity then because it is indeed needed and extremely worthy. Salvation Army, Angel Tree, Samaritan’s Purse are three that come to mind which make wise use of donations.
Look around and I am sure you can think of creative ways to be generous. Surprise generosity is even more fun. Make it a point to make someone’s day!
PRAYER:Sometimes Lord when I am in the dumps helping someone else cheers me up. Help me be aware of needs I can meet and people I can make smile not only in November and December but throughout the year. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Basic Training
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:6-7
I served in the Armed Forces for almost 6 years and did go through a ‘basic training’ period of approximately 90 days. The skills I learned helped equip me to survive if I ever was in harms' way on a battlefield.
Life is a huge battlefield and a parents’ major responsibility to not just raise children to grow up but to train them in godliness. The parents are more important than a Sunday school teacher, preacher, or priest in raising children to love Jesus. There needs to be ‘basic training’ for children.
I once heard an acronym for Bible which was ‘Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.’ That is a great way to remember how vital God’s word is and it is not a book to set around as a coffee table decoration. You may as well put it away if you don’t plan to study and read it.
So if you are a parent, grandparent, or want to be keep in mind that those little ones need to be taught early to love Jesus.
PRAYER: Basic training is vital to develop important survival skills. I choose to not only train myself but also have an impact on any young ones in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Death And Life: The Best Is Yet To Come!
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know!I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ,which is better by far; Philippians 1:21-23A visit to a cemetery recently prompted me to think about this subject. Death is going to happen to everyone, no exceptions. No matter how much Hollywood movies make the idea of cryogenics and living forever seem great, really the best is yet to come. When a loved one dies no words can describe the pain, yet if this person accepted Christ as their savior here on Earth the event should be a celebration of their Home-going.
This place you call home is only a temporary stopover but for many it seems like this it is, live for now. Eat, drink, and be merry! It's okay to enjoy life, God does not want us all sour faced. But are you, or have you, made the decision of asking Christ to be your Lord and savior? Not join a church, not get baptized, but ask him into your heart and believe and live for Him. This issue causes so many divisions between denominations. Love Jesus, believe in Him, and ask Him to be your lord and savior now.
PRAYER: Thanks so very much Lord for what awaits me when my temporary stay down here is completed. Prepare the hearts of those who never asked you into their hearts to do just that. Help me not act like a miniature Holy Spirit but to simply pray. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Root Causes Of Stress
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
Many things can cause stress and often times you may be bringing it on yourself. Some things such as not trusting God can handle stuff. Maybe not spending enough time in prayer or the word. Perhaps not putting God first but letting self rule. Maybe sticking your nose in someone else's business. These are just a few thoughts I had on this.
What do you think? If you looked at your life what do you suppose needs to be changed to give you a stress free life? The verse for today is a good one to commit to memory. Basically do not be like this world as you should be transformed to be like Christ. You can't attempt to do both. Live in the world but don't be of this world. Often people may be confronting issues in their own life and know there needs to be a change but the world and it's system is tugging in them too hard.
Alas God is always here. He knows our struggles. If you are praying for someone close to you caught up in the lies of the world and getting sucked into deception keep on lifting them up in prayer. God is not finished yet. Have faith. Believe receive and doubt do without.
PRAYER: Lord I know I need to talk to you in prayer and oftentimes I allow the tyranny of the urgent or junk in this world to squeeze you out. Shame on me. Forgive me know better. Draw my loved ones closer to you who have strayed away. Help me to rest in you and therefore be less stressed out. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Plays Well With Others
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7
Back in the early 60's when my generation got their report cards in grade school, the good paper kind handwritten, there was a category about behavior and one of the lines had the teacher rate us in how we got along with our peers. As I recall I did pretty well in that category. I don't recall biting or punching anyone. Now fast forward to 2017 and how do you and I both get along with others? Do you show kindness even when you don't feel like it?
Today as you go about your day make it a point to treat others well and be the kind of person people want to around. Some folks will never like you or may even just shut you out of their life for no apparent reason. Trudge on my friend, pray for those who hurt you, and choose to begin each day with the purpose of spreading joy around you.
PRAYER: I hope to be the kind of person who others want to be around. Let the radiance of the Holy Spirit shine on my face. I choose to pray for anyone who treats me poorly. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Music Heals
Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. Psalm 33:2Music is worship and worship is music. There is nothing better in my opinion than listening to the words of a powerful song of worship. To listen to the lyrics and even hear the story behind many of them that were written is truly amazing. Thank the Lord for talented song writers.
Music can be a healing therapy in many instances. It soothes the soul, uplifts the spirit and can give us a heart of gratitude and praise to our Heavenly Father. To me music 🎶 is one of the most important aspects of worship on Sunday. I can't wait to get to our church and lift my hands in praise to the Lord.
If you have had those days where you feel in a slump an uplifting sound of praise and worship can truly lift you up out of a pit. There are many I know who are Christians but for whatever reason do not listen to Christian radio. K-LOVE which has an App you can download is syndicated nationwide and locally here is WAYFM which also has an APP. Music and teaching found on Christian radio can really help set the tone for the day. If you have never tried it give it a try. Feed your mind with good things while you are driving. You will be surprised how it will encourage you.
PRAYER: Lord I love to sing your praises. Your creation sings your glory through birds and the wind. I thank you for talented people who write the songs of praise to you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click for a song of worship:
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Birth Days Are Great!
Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.John 16:24
Today our family is in the waiting mode for the birth of our first grandbaby. I will not lie and say Satan has reared his ugly head and caused fear. As I write for others to not fear I too must trust God and know there will soon be a bundle from Heaven to love on.
Are you struggling with doubt and fear you can't shake? In order to move closer to God you have to tell Satan to take a hike and take his stinking thinking junk with him. Tell him you refuse to be crippled by fear so leave you alone.
It is easy to worry but requires faith to trust. What do you choose. The worry simply accomplishes nothing so start praising God for wonderful things he will do and don't sink into a bottomless pit of despair.
PRAYER: Oh Father you are good and gracious and do mighty things. Thank you for the joy we have only in you when we completely stay in your footsteps. In Jesus' name. Amen.
In honor of our soon to be 1st Grandbaby coming soon!
Friday, November 3, 2017
Elegance And Luxury
But as it was written "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9
The advertisements on TV for elegant places such as Sandals Resorts or gorgeous 5 Star hotels are a mere dream for many. Oh to be treated like a five star guest! The luxurious towels, bathrobe, fancy soaps, and many other amenities.
Being a five star customer whether at a fancy resort, bed and breakfast, or a European Cruise may seem like only a dream. Many in the world would be happy with simply staying in a motel, period. The good news is for those who have asked Jesus into their hearts the best Five Star accommodations await you upon your death. The Heavenly Kingdom will be 100 Stars!
Those in this world who think Jesus and God are fairy tales will be sorely surprised upon taking their last breath. We should be doing all we can to share the good news with people. Even many in church don't really have a personal relationship with Him. Today is the day of salvation. You never know when Jesus might come back, and he will, so better be ready.
PRAYER: Much confusion and legalism has been spread by some churches as to how one gets to Heaven. Lord I pray for the truth to be heard by millions in all countries and in churches in our country. I pray for false teachers to be silenced. I pray for the lost and those who persecute believers to come to a saving knowledge of you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Don't Abandon Your Post
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13
In the armed forces if you are on guard duty or some other form of staff duty you stay at your post and follow orders. Abandoning your post is not an option because the lives of many depend upon you fulfilling your 'guard' duties.
Have you made a decision in your Christian walk to stand firm in the faith and not go with the crowd or whatever is popular is the thing to do? Sometimes deep down you may have a conviction that some movie you choose to watch is wrong or a book you are reading is putting wrong thoughts into you head. A student may be forced to read certain material in school and if they are in disagreement due to their Christian beliefs they too need to be courageous and keep at their 'post'.
Sometimes it is hard to go against popular culture but if you expect to stand strong in the teachings of the Bible you have a decision to make. Choose God or choose the world and it's way. Stand for the truth and stay where you are and protect those in your circle of influence. That may be a mom at home with children watching you. Don't leave your post! It is so important for the lives of others.
PRAYER: I am so grateful to be able to know I do not have to cave into the world and it's ways. I choose to stand my ground and protect those around me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
The Big One!
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! Philippians 1:21-22
I was sitting waiting for a friend on a bench in the warm sunshine when two ladies walked by with gifts and balloons that said 40. I said "Oh the big one huh?!" spoken by a lady who has had 5 'Big ones' in my life. When exactly do we 'arrive' to that really big one? That special milestone celebration.
Every year is a gift from God. Some people are 'taken away' by death in what humans deem as too early. Too early for earthly milestones and dreams' perhaps but not too early to be used in God's perfect plan. It is easy to treat our earthly home like this is it but this is by far not IT. Living for the here and now and its' pleasures is not what brings true joy.
Be thankful for each year you take a breath on your birthday but don't simply live for today. No one knows the day or the hour Christ will return but He will come back. What will you be able to say you have done for the kingdom? Are you sharing Jesus' love with those you meet either in words, deeds, or simple smiles? Remember the really BIG ONE is when you arrive in the Heavenly Kingdom some day. In the meantime do what you can to spread His love to others.
PRAYER: Birthdays are fun. The first day of birth is extra special for parents, grandparents, and friends. Help me Lord as I seek to serve you between my Earthly birthdays and rejoice in each day of life. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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