My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. JAMES 1:19-20
Lots of anger is going on in America now because of a man elected to Make America Great Again. The anger does not help but hurts. Riots, outbursts, vulgarity, cursing. Even reports of a shadow government trying to destroy this man and destroy our democracy. How does a believer respond? You respond in love and don't get ugly yourself.
Lots of anger is going on in America now because of a man elected to Make America Great Again. The anger does not help but hurts. Riots, outbursts, vulgarity, cursing. Even reports of a shadow government trying to destroy this man and destroy our democracy. How does a believer respond? You respond in love and don't get ugly yourself.
I am not trying to be political but making a point about any kind of anger. Anger destroys families. Anger causes fights. Anger kills. Anger divides. Anger is a tool of the enemy Satan and does nothing to build up a believer or the cause of Christ.
Step back a moment and reflect on the goodness of God. Pray for those people who may be creating discord in this nation. We know God has a plan. If you are angry might I suggest to sit down and read the book of John and pray for a transformed heart.
PRAYER:Lord I know being angry, holding grudges, having bad feelings about someone is not your will. Lord Jesus transform the hearts and minds of those who would want to cause revolt in this great nation. Help peace reign. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Step back a moment and reflect on the goodness of God. Pray for those people who may be creating discord in this nation. We know God has a plan. If you are angry might I suggest to sit down and read the book of John and pray for a transformed heart.
PRAYER:Lord I know being angry, holding grudges, having bad feelings about someone is not your will. Lord Jesus transform the hearts and minds of those who would want to cause revolt in this great nation. Help peace reign. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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