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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Politics.....Bah Humbug!

Keep reminding God's people of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. 2 Timothy 2:14
Of all the election years this one has gotten really dicey for Christians. If a person isn't for certain a believer many scream to not vote for them. Rumors are rampant. Hatred is flying. What is a person to do? People say such and such can't be a Christian just look how they act. 
I'll tell you what to do. Don't argue with people. Don't force your opinion on others. Pray for the opposition and the candidates on your side you don't particularly care for. Don't judge someone just because you think they might have voted for someone who doesn't love Jesus. All of us need to mind our own business and display the love of Christ pure, plain, and simple.
Whoever gets on the final ballot in November from both parties has to be prayed for. Our country and the freedom we have enjoyed is at stake. Financial stability, integrity, morality, and military strength is in jeopardy. The enemy can deceive. Pray you won't be a victim of deception. 
PRAYER: We can not help but be involved in politics. It is a right and a privilege. Give me discernment Lord and wisdom. No matter what happens help me continue to love friends even with differing opinions. This election is on your hands. We know you have a plan. In Jesus' name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right! I can't listen to them but I do some reading about them. One of the prayer groups I attend prays for the election.
