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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Extremist? For God, For Sure!

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5

Here in the United States we are called 'United' but the past almost 7 years we have had a sitting President trying his best to divide us. It saddens me. Our media also divides us. If we are those people who stand for truth, the Bible, the flag, patriotism, and the Constitution we are labeled as extremist. The word 'hate' is thrown out so much to try to brainwash those who hear it to think maybe yeah if we disagree we are extreme and we do hate. 

I beg to differ. Christians who stand up for truth and stand for our country remaining the land of liberty are doing what the Founding Fathers intended. We are a nation founded one nation under God. There is a standard of truth for Christians and that is the Holy Bible. There is not supposed to be a Democrat Bible, a Republican Bible, or a Independent  Bible, but just the word of God, period.  Our government was constructed using the Word of God as a standard too. Satan and his evil forces do not like Americans and  what we stand for and are working through people to destroy us. We believers are to love, pray, speak the truth in love. When you get angry at being called extreme simply pray for those who think that. 

We have to stand together for truth or we will fall. A nation divided can not remain. Now is the time to be 'extreme' for what the Bible says and start living it out in our world. 

PRAYER: I love you Lord. I confess my anger at those who try to destroy this great nation. I pray for those who are blinded and do not see it happening mainly due to a political persuasion. I pray for revival in this great land. I pray for the truth of Jesus to be spread throughout the world and no weapon formed against us shall ever prosper as it says in Isaiah 54:17. I pray for unity among the races as well. In Jesus' name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Becky: I participate in two prayer groups at our church. One of the groups is praying for revival. The group is small but sincere. Thank you for your thoughts here.
