When I rededicated my life to Christ and became 'born again' on March 19, 1975 I did not become a spiritual giant all at once nor am I one now. Sometimes I have been kidded, since my passion is to write devotions, that I should go to seminary. Well I do not plan to go that route. I am simply being obedient to what I feel God called me to do. I did not instantly know scriptures but I am every thankful to The Navigators ministry who discipled me in Anniston, Alabama while I was assigned to Ft McClellan awaiting assignment to Fort Lee, Virginia. It was through a wonderful book entitled 'Disciples Are Made Not Born' that I really started to learn to grow. I had a rough period when I kind of fell away a few months in Virginia until arriving at Fort Ord, California where I got involved with Officer's Christian Fellowship.
When you accept Christ you have to stay connected to other believer's and try to find a good Bible study and a growing church. If you stagnate and compromise you can easily be led down the wrong path. There is a verse in Colossians 2:8 which says "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ." Stay grounded in the word and it will be easier to be caught off guard by Satan.
Take those little baby steps as they are important in growing but do not expect to know everything and take time growing in Christ on the journey He has you on.
PRAYER: Thank you that each and every day is a new challenge and new opportunities to grow in Christ and serve you Lord. Help me go out in love and know you are with me and will sustain me. Protect me from evil. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Links to the two ministries I mentioned are listed below:
Becky; It is not easy to keep our commitment to Christ.But, if we ask Him to help us through, He does. It takes courage to stand up for Jesus.