Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Love Meter

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31
How is your love meter registering? Loving all people can sometimes be tough. Sometimes it is even difficult to love those closest to you. Love is the greatest commandment. Loving people above things and above yourself. Being unselfish and kind. Being gentle when you would rather be rude. Showing love to the unloveable or even those people you maybe do not agree with. 
Review 1 Corinthians chapter 13 when you get a moment. It is called the 'love chapter' in the Bible and has valuable scripture that if followed can keep your life on track and your love meter full. Pray each day and ask God to give you love for all kinds of people. We even are supposed to love and pray for our enemies. Now that one is tough especially of someone has hurt or betrayed you. Human nature wants to lash out and God's nature wants us to love unconditionally. There is your assignment. Go into the world and show God's love.

PRAYER: Give me the ability Lord to love others through you. Open my eyes to hurting people and help me show kindness and respect in addition to love. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Beyond This World

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. And there was no longer any sea.I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. Prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying. Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain. For the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:1-4   
Death is going to come to everyone. As much as Hollywood movies such as 'Forever Young' try to depict  freezing people until a cure is found for their disease we  all will die. Death isn't to be feared. It should be feared if a person hasn't  asked Jesus into their hearts.
Grieving hurts. The loss of a baby, a child, or a teen especially is difficult. God loves you my friend. Do not turn your back on Him. There is joy to come in His kingdom. 

PRAYER: Lord losing friends and family to death is hard but help me rejoice when they go home to meet you in the clouds. I look forward to heaven when it is my time. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Press On!!

Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:13-14
There are times in life when maybe you just feel like quitting.  You pray and pray and pray some more about an area in which you are waiting for a breakthrough but then discouragement sets in. The Bible does say in Luke 18:1 to pray and never give up. A defeatist attitude comes from the enemy of our souls,Satan. He is the one who tries to get you to quit, not go to church, not be "religious", have wrong thinking, speak poorly of others, act superior to others, and just any thing  that pulls you away from the Lord and causes a lack of hope.
Press on my friend. Charge ahead. Keep going. Don't quit. Believe. Hope. Your hope is in the Lord Jesus and every word of the Bible is true. Even when things don't seem to be changing maybe the Lord is also trying to work out something in your own life. Hang in there and run your race to win.

PRAYER: Forever Lord you are faithful. You hear my prayers and I know you love me. Give me strength to endure while I wait. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Whoa! Did I Say That?

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight O Lord my rock and my redeemer. Psalm19:14

Do you ever catch yourself wishing you could take back something you just said, texted, or emailed? I sure have. Being hasty to speak can often times backfire. The more prudent person waits and thinks if there is any doubt about their words being misinterpreted.

Many times in scripture, the mouth, the tongue, or words are talked about. How one little hole in our face can cause joy or pain is a mystery. Words are so very important. If this is an area you have trouble with, do a study in your Bible and find as many of the verses about talking right that you can. Each and every day commit to only saying things that will build up and not tear down. Do not be in a hurry to "get back" at someone who hurt you with their words. Try to remember that you are to be like Christ.  It is the enemy that stirs up bad emotions and tries to cause trouble. Don't allow it. Make up your mind today that you will wait and think before talking.

PRAYER: I thank you for the gift of being able to speak. Help me Lord to use wisdom in how I respond to people. I want to be a witness with every word I speak. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

God Is Good, All The Time!!

I remain confidence in this, that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13

In the movie 'God's Not Dead' currently showing nationwide in the US in approximately 1700 theaters, one of the phrases repeated over several times was "God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good." I have started trying to remember this when I am tempted to be upset about something or think wrong thoughts.  God has a plan and He will prevail. All the junk going on in the world, the lies,the deceit, the evil, the hurt, the pain, will one day be gone. This world is not forever.  While we are here for however long that is, we are supposed to be serving the Lord. Now of course those who have not yet accepted Christ or who are atheists would laugh at this notion. "That is a little fanatical now isn't it being religious all the time" some might say.

Wherever you are you can make a difference for the kingdom of God. Look at your life as a ministry. Your life is not just about one hour on Sunday. It is also not about acting 'holier than thou' but about shining the light of Jesus' wherever you go regardless of your circumstances. When humanly you would want to explode over a situation just say "God is good, all the time!" He really is!

PRAYER: I know everything in life has a purpose. Good stuff and not so good. Things work out. Help me Lord to be an example for you each day as you indeed are good! In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Your Mind Matters

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Philippians 4:8

I heard an advertisement once that said "a mind is a terrible thing to waste" and if you think about it, it is true. I believe if we are claiming to be Christians we should be careful what we allow into our minds. Our mind sort of controls us. You feed your mind on garbage such as pornography, movies with continual cursing, violent video games, music with unwholesome lyrics then after a while you could start being desensitized to messages within these.

 I am not perfect by any means and recently I saw a PG13 movie and ended up walking out of the theater half way through as it's content disturbed me. The little voice inside me said, "leave", and I did. It has delighted me that in the past couple months good movies such as 'Heaven is For Real' and 'God's Not Dead'  have been released. I am not saying just go to Christian movies but you need to be discerning. After all you are the temple of the living God and He is with you at all times.

The verse above is a good one to memorize. It can help you make decisions on what you should allow into your mind. Keep your mind daily in the word of God to be able to know the difference in right and wrong.

PRAYER: Lord guide me each day as I make decisions about what to read, watch, or participate in. Help me to run the other way when things are not of you. In Jesus' name.Amen.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

No Pain, No Gain

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
I awakened Easter morning with pain in my hip. This is unusual for me since I am active and energetic.Friends affectionately call me "The Energizer Bunny". Whenever I get sick or hurt it always makes me grateful and blessed for the excellent health I enjoy the rest of the time. I don't take it for granted!  People often comment "I wish I had half your energy" and at times I wish I could bottle it and sell it.  Every now and then it helps to have something happen so you can know what people in pain experience on a daily basis, then maybe you are better able to pray for them. I am not saying God gave me this but it can be used to make me more compassionate for those dealing with pain continually. 
Maybe some reading this suffer from pain of some sort. It is no fun to physically or  emotionally hurt. Either way instead of cursing God why not ask Him to use you just where you are. 

PRAYER: I am grateful for those times I hurt so am better able to pray for those hurting every day. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hated, Beaten, Rejected

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Colossians 3:16
When watching The Passion of the Christ  and the scene where Jesus was being whipped, it struck me how awful hating is. When you hate you may not be  whipping your victim, but nevertheless the love of Christ is not in you. 
Jesus died a horrible death on the cross for you and me, all  sinners.  If you are a Christian you shouldn't be backbiting, being ugly, harboring jealously or resentment, but should be loving your fellow man, even those hard to get along with or hard to understand. The more we love the more we are transformed into the likeness of Christ.
When Jesus was tortured he said not one ugly word. How many reading this feel like telling  off a fast food worker when they can't hurry up? No one is beating us up, but our thoughts and words may not be like that of a Christian. 
Jesus was in severe pain but he only said "forgive" not call me a lawyer so I can sue! Let the love of Christ dwell in you. 

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for dying for our sins. I look forward to your kingdom some day when I leave this Earth. In the meantime help me show your love. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What's In A Name?

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,  to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11
Our name is very important. When my husband and I had  our sons we named them specifically for what their names meant. Matthew means 'gift of God' and Jonathan means 'God has given'. Many people today name babies cute popular names or after a famous person. Your name is special. None of us wants to shame our family last name by doing something bad. Your name is with you for life unless you are undercover law enforcement or in the witness protection program. Often times a giving a person's name gives you certain benefits and privileges. Maybe a name is "dropped" to impress those you are with. In the long run those names may stay with a person but future generations may not have a clue of who the person was.
The only name that  matters is the name of Jesus. There's power in that name. No other name can do what the name of Jesus does. Heal, deliver, set free, save. His name is wonderful!

PRAYER: Your name is above every name. I lift your name on high and love to sing your praises. I love you Jesus. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Be Happy Everyday!

This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Hopefully you woke up today in a good mood ready to face yet another day God has blessed you with here on Earth. We are not here to serve ourselves alone. We are here to serve the Lord and love people, all people.
Sometimes if you wake up feeling depressed, gloomy,sad, and alone, try saying out loud the verse above. Say it over and over if you have to. If you are away from things of the Lord and feeling sort of out of it, go get a Bible and open to the book of John in the New Testament and rejoice. Make a list of your blessings in life instead of dwelling on your problems. Pray for other people. Do something nice for someone, even a stranger. Purposely think on good things. 
Each and every day is a gift from God and a reason to be glad. If you are feeling down it is because Satan likes to get you to be this way. When you feel bad tell Satan to get behind you. Now go out and be happy!

PRAYER: I love you Lord and I choose this day to rejoice and make the enemy mad. Help me be kind today regardless of feelings. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Bunny or the Cross?

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7:21
The greatest miracle ever, occurred on Easter Sunday over 2000 years ago when Jesus arose from the dead leaving an empty tomb. What a day of rejoicing it was! He said He would come again and He did. He is alive and living today waiting for the time He calls believers home to be with Him. 
So much of the Christian celebration of this wonderful day is crowded out by egg hunts, pretty dresses, bunnies, candy, baby chicks, and feasting with family and friends. Similar to Christmas, it's a time people  come out in droves and show up at churches.  If only the desire for the Lord was present the other 363 days. Deep down these individuals, called 'holly and lily Christians' by an USAF Chaplain friend of ours, know it's the right thing to do. Being a Christian is more than church attendance on religious holidays or even going to church on a regular basis. It is living like a Christian all 365 days and loving Him with your whole heart. 
Why not pray and ask Him to come into your heart today. 

PRAYER:Help me  to not get caught up in the worldly celebrations but to focus on you and what you have done for me, a sinner. Thank you Lord. In Jesus' name.Amen.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Just Pray

Jesus was telling them a parable about their need to pray continuously and not to be discouraged. Luke 18:1
What do the following things have in common? Crosses on road, angry drivers, wrecks on the highway, rude people in stores, the person with a sad look on their face. Each of these reminds us of times that prayer is needed.
The cross on the road indicates that a valuable loved person lost their life in a crash and hurting friends and family are no doubt left behind.  Those who pass us with road rage obviously need peace. When you come upon an accident on the highway, such as I did recently coming back from Kentucky, then the first reaction should be to pray. Often times shoppers can get pretty nasty to store clerks and maybe somethings going on with them that needs prayer. Those people we  see every day who seem to frown more than smile need a smile and prayers. 
Instead of focusing all the time on ourselves why not look around for opportunities to pray for others. We may not know specifically what they need but God does. Just pray!

PRAYER: Create in me Lord a desire to love others more than myself. Give me compassion for those who are hurting. Open my eyes to the needs around me. In Jesus' name.Amen.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Geez, Must Be Nice!

I am not saying this because I am in need for I have learned to be content in whatever the circumstances. Philippians  4:11

Have you ever caught yourself uttering the phrase that is my title today? I know I have and I have had people say it to me. Usually it is out of frustration of yearning for something you are not experiencing or something you do not have.  Recently mine has been comparing myself to other writers, some I know, wondering why it is taking me so long to get that book done I am talking about. Basically the root cause of speaking this phrase would be a jealous spirit. Jealously is not a "fruit of the Spirit" so if you find yourself saying this then you know it is not from God. Perhaps you desire someone else's lifestyle or some gift they have such as singing or being creative.

God is a god of contentment, peace, joy and not one of frustration,anger, envy, and bitterness. The scripture for today basically is saying to us, "be happy now and do not be concerned what others have". God has given each person what he or she needs and each of us has a different course of life. We are not all to be carbon copies of the other. That would be dull and boring. It is hard though if you are having a hard time with something to see someone apparently breezing through life. Do not let Satan make you tempted to want what they have. Remember to be happy where you are and to rejoice with those who rejoice as it says in Romans 12:15.

PRAYER: Thank you for where I am in life. Help me not be desirous of another's skills, talents, abilities, or possessions but be thankful or what I have and where I am. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


 You will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day. Psalm 91:4
Lately I have decided to not consume myself with all the stuff bad that is on the news. Why is it necessary to feed our minds a daily diet of depressing events that make us fearful and keep our mind off God? I know I need to be informed and I have a couple email links to places I trust where I can do that without saturating my mind with unnecessary fear.  You might be fearful by nature, so if you are, perhaps it may be a good idea to put down the newspaper and flip the television channel to something more kind and gentle. I personally love to listen to praise and worship songs on a local Christian radio station because as their ad says they are "positive and encouraging" and indeed they are!
 I would imagine the average person probably watches morning shows, reads news magazines and maybe indulges in celebrity gossip and I always say "why".  There is so much we can read and watch and we need to insure God is firmly in our activities each day. The more we focus on "things above" the less we will be fearful. The Bible is filled with things to help you grow in Christ and develop a peaceful spirit. When you fear you are listening more to the enemy whose mission is  to get you caught up in the world. Decide today to allow God into your thoughts more often and see what happens.

PRAYER: I choose to think on things that will not cause worry and fear. When I start to forget help remind Lord of our perfect peace. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Word Power

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
There are many times in my life where I forgot to think before I spoke and then regretted it. Words are so important and so is patience before you speak. The wrong words can hurt feelings, bring misunderstandings, and damage relationships.It is always good to pause, take a breath, and think before you speak. This could even mean "emailing" before you think things through.

Our mouth is used to praise God, bless others, share good news, recite Bible verses and so much more. What it should not engage in is gossip, complaining, backbiting, rudeness, anger, cursing, judging or belittling.

It is so hard to wait, at least for me. We want to give our opinion or speak out before knowing the facts. If this describes you as well God can help you gain self control over this. Just ask Him. He is the great Healer and Deliverer. 

PRAYER: I try so hard on my own effort to watch what I say. Give me your strength to master this. Let my words be few and acceptable to you. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Taxes...Not Again!

 Give to everyone what you owe them. If you owe taxes pay taxes, if revenue, then revenue, if respect, then respect. Romans 13:7

The dreaded day has arrived. This is the day here in America that we are required to file our income tax return before the stroke of midnight. The clock is ticking.

Some of those persons who vote for certain unnecessary taxes may not be a godly person but we still are to pay our taxes.  We have a voice to speak up against unfair and unjust taxes but until something changes we are still to pay or go to jail. 

As a servant of the Lord we are to follow rules and regulations and set an example.  If something is evil we too have a responsibility to speak out in love to get things changed. As Christians we need to vote for God fearing men and women who will lead us according to the Constitution, the scriptures, and not lord over us like subjects of a king. 

Today be thankful for money to be able to pay what is due. In the meantime make sure your voice is heard when it comes to unjust actions by a government trying to control the people way too much. 

PRAYER: Lord I thank you so very much for all you have blessed me with. I am honest therefore I pay taxes. Help me in whatever I do to shine for you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Unable To Connect

'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3
Don't you just love it when your technical problems start to wreak havoc in your day? Your computer goes down. The wireless router stops working. The printer decides not to work. Your phone gets messed up. Oh technology is nice when it is running. We become dependent upon it and when it becomes disabled we possibly might be in a panic mode.

We are always connected to God. No voice mail, answering machine, or error messages. He does not require a password for access but simply being weak and heavy laden as it says in Matthew 11:28. One thing I love doing is having alone days with God up on a mountain top here in Huntsville. Jesus went alone to quiet places and prayed. Make believe for a moment you are living in the times past with no electricity or the conveniences we enjoy today. We become accustomed to them and are upset when they don't work. Find a quiet place you can go to and talk to God. Imagine you have no television to turn on, perhaps the electricity is out. Some of the best times I remember were when we lived in Illinois and had an ice storm thus shutting down everything. It was a nice time with family and no distractions. Just quietness.

God wants you to spend time with Him because you want to not because you feel obligated. Is He truly Lord of your life and first place?

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for times when nothing works because it is then I see how much I need you in my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pure Snow

"Come now and let us reason together," says the Lord, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Isaiah 1:18

Many parts of the country may still be experiencing snow, in the higher elevations particularly. Those who love winter are not bothered by it at all. The freshness of a new snowfall is so very nice. I remember when living in Iowa in the mid 90's the winters would be harsh but yet after a winter storm things would be glistening and so beautiful. It was also very quiet outside as there was hardly any traffic.  Fresh snow is beautiful.

In God's word we are told our sins can be made as "white as snow."  Think of the picture of the snowfall so perfect and pure once it has just fallen and not disturbed by children building snowmen. It is so pretty.  That is how we can be once we confess our sins to Jesus. We let them go and do not keep bringing them back up. He promises to make us whiter than snow.

PRAYER: Thank you that you remember our sins no more and once we confess them to you you make us white as snow with a clean slate. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Got Friends?

man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.Proverbs 18:24

Friends are extremely important to me. In my 30 years moving around with the United States Army many of our fellow military and civilian friends have become like a second family to us. We have shared holiday meals and done many things together. I am blessed with a very  large Christmas card list. There have been losses of friends though too, some to early death and some who just were tired of being my friend. Those hurt.

If you have ever been jilted by a dear friend it is very painful and confusing. Nothing you can say or do matters so it is best to let it go and shake the dust off your feet so to speak. Concentrate on the friends who do appreciate you with all the quirks that come with you. Don't force anyone to like you. Only God can change a heart. 

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the blessing of friendship. Thank you for the way. You have brought people into my life and the lessons I learned from those who "unfriended" me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Water, Fertilize, Don't Smother

So neither he who plants or the one who waters are anything, but only God who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3:7

Spring like temperatures  are here in most sections of the country. This brings with it new hopes, new dreams, starting anew. Many like to plant a garden and have fresh produce right from their own yard. I have strawberries that we planted years ago and look forward to them producing fruit.

When you have a garden you have to water it, weed it, and fertilize it. If you do not you may not have any harvest. You do not want to smother your crops with black plastic or they die.

In the life of a believer we are like seed planters. God uses us to "plant" seeds in other peoples lives. Others come along and water and fertilize it. Perhaps you have not watered anyone lately but maybe God has used you to "fertilize" a cold hard hurting heart. God the produces the growth. Go out today and be a gardener for Christ.

PRAYER: Use me Lord to help "water" those around me. If a person has a need that is in my life help me to be a gardener for you and help them grow more like you. In Jesus' name.Amen.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Change My Heart Lord

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Quality Time

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Recovery Mode

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. Ephesians 3:20

The all too familiar phrase pops up occasionally on computer screens "Word Has Entered The Recovery Mode" and a grateful shout of "hallelujah" comes from the mouth of a very relieved writer who thought I had lost my work. There have been times I have done work and can not find it. When this occurs an outbreak of panic is not the answer but trying to remain calm in the midst of this. Often I just laugh because I believe it is spiritual warfare.

No matter what in life you are facing or what has upset your day God can restore you and give you his perfect peace. He is the all powerful mighty God and the best "recovery mode" ever. Do not let bad news, computers crashes, traffic jams, tax deadlines, or wayward children cause you to start fretting. You can run to Jesus and let Him take you and help you recover from whatever has gotten you down.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord that you pick me up and help me recover from the setbacks in life. in Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Jesus. Not Just For Easter!

Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. Matthew 24:12
 It does not take a rocket scientist to  know we are getting closer to the end of times. Subtly the enemy has crept in, spun his web of deceit, and many, even believers, have fallen for it.  Evil is being called good and good being called evil just as it says in Isaiah 5:20. We have ignored the word of God and we are beginning to pay a price for our foolishness. For many, church becomes the thing to do especially if it is Easter or Christmas. Somewhere deep down those persons in the category of only attending twice yearly must really believe in God or maybe they are going because they know they should. 
Jesus wants you to love Him more than just acting like you do. He loves us so much. Imagine if you will a friend wanting to spend time with you but you keep making excuses why you can't. Not much of a relationship would develop now would it? It is the same with Jesus. He wants to spend time with you each day not just on Sunday. He is knocking on your hearts door, why not answer today? 

PRAYER: Lord forgive me for days I wake up and ignore you. I know I have broken your heart. I need more of you in my life each day. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Zoom, Zoom!!

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He. I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. Isaiah 46:4
Yesterday my husband received an early Father's Day gift. The gift of speed also known as the Dale Jarrett Driving Experience at  Talledega International Speedway.   What man would not like to race a stock car 200 miles per hour on a professional famous race track? I had a Groupon and he was delighted. I wish I could have done it too but someone had to take pictures. 
Everyone needs to do things to stay young and have fun. Go swing at the local park. Go to an amusement park. Jump on a trampoline. Jesus wants us to live our lives to the fullest. We make the word "aging" into a nasty word. It should not be! Older persons, as long as there are not health issues, should be able to do what they want and not feel it is silly. I say "be silly, courageous, and enjoy your life! Live life to the fullest. Try new things. Above all do not say "I am too old for that". 

PRAYER: Thank you for the beauty of your creation and the wonderful opportunities we have to enjoy it. Help me Lord to live my life with enthusiasm and gusto. Above all let me shine for you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Unhappy Man

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.Proverbs 17:22
Look around you when you leave your home today. You do not have to wander very far to see unhappy people. I observed a man in a coffee shop last week who did not speak to his kids at all and barely acknowledged the lady who was sharing the table with him. It was quite strange. I began to wonder about  their situation. He must have had a tremendous burden to not speak to anyone. In a case like this you don't want to judge but to pray. 
One of my daily missions is to try to get people to smile. Doctor waiting rooms, grocery stores, restaurants, even in church! Smiling and laughing is good for you. You may think you have nothing to smile about but if you stop and think for a while I bet you do. Laughter indeed is the best medicine!
Satan does not like smiling, cheerful people. He wants to get us down, depressed, disturbed, and agitated. Let's beat him at his own game. Go out today and spread a smile. It can be infectious. Say to the enemy " I am going to be happy and you are not going to stop me!"

PRAYER: I want to be happy so I can help make others happy. Help me show your love and joy to those I come in contact with today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Active Duty Soldiers

No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. 2 Timothy 4:7

I served in the US Army for 6 years. When you are commissioned as an officer or sign up as an enlisted member of the Armed Forces, you basically give your life to the military. No longer was I just Becky the daughter, the friend, the cousin, the sorority sister, the sister, but I was now a part of the United States Army and they would now tell me what I could do or not do. You follow orders and adhere to discipline for a purpose and that is possible future warfare. There are consequences for not following the code of conduct and the rules.

Our battle on Earth is good versus evil. God versus Satan. Satan is after our very souls. He uses lies and deceit to accomplish his mission of destroying us. We are “active duty soldiers” of Christ and must adhere to the "code of conduct" found in our Bible to beat the devil at his own game. When you read the Word the enemy cringes because you start to understand what he and his demons are up to. Become Armed and Dangerous for Jesus today.

PRAYER: Thanks for the word of God which literally, if followed, saves souls. Help me not make excuses for being into the "world" more than I need to be. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Pew Potato

Not everyone who says to me "Lord, Lord" will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 7:21
A dear friend of mine told me her priest gave an illustration recently in his Sunday message about what he called "Pew Potatoes."  We are all probably familiar with the term "couch potato" referring to those individuals who vegetate on their sofa's doing nothing but watching television or playing video games. Basically they are just there getting nothing from their experience other than maybe mind mush or flabby bodies.
In a similar way a "pew potato" would be one who goes to church just because it is the thing to do and gets nothing from the message. He or she simply is there because it is Sunday and that is what you do on Sunday. Maybe ask what they got from the service later and get no response other than a yawn. 
Hopefully this does not describe anyone reading this devotion but if it does ask yourself if you ever truly made Jesus Lord of your life and if He is the most important thing in your life. Jesus wants more than one hour on Sunday and we all need to grow up and know Him better.

PRAYER: Lord I truly want to not just go through the motions but want my life to be different because of you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Debbie Downer

 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues. Proverbs 17:28(NIV)

 Impulsive people have trouble in life. I tend to be impulsive and am working on taming this monster of fast reactions. It is especially helpful to be able to control it when it comes to talking and emailing. If we react to something then do not wait and think and immediately respond then we can cause trouble which was never intended to happen.

My husband always reminds me of this too. "Why pass on bad news to the kids he will say" if I see something about a storm or accident for instance.  We should only want to pass on that which will build up or uplift not possibly drag down. But if you are impulsive and do not think things through first, or wait 24 hours because you just have to act on something, then things could backfire or create turmoil and misunderstanding.

Yes indeed in life it is good to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry as it says in James 1:19.

 PRAYER: Today Lord I need your help to be calm and peaceful and wait. Help me think before I act or react. Forgive me if my impulsiveness has ever hurt anyone. Put a watch over my mouth. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

No Joke

If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels. Mark 8:38
Today is the day pranksters everywhere love to play tricks on people. Welcome to April Fools Day. I am pretty gullible and a couple years ago fell for one and after I realized it was a joke felt very stupid and humiliated. A place I had whitewater rafted in 2007 was supposedly going to drain and "enhance" their river. At that time anyone who lost jewelry,that would be me as my original engagement ring is on the bottom of this river, could come and walk the river bed and maybe find it. I can not believe I actually sent an email asking about this. Then I saw the date on the email. You got it. April 1st! It is always important to not act in haste. 
Life is no joke and believing in Jesus and accepting Him as savior is not either. Our enemy Satan is the joker trying to lie to us and make us believe we do not need Jesus and it is okay to do certain things. Jesus loves you this I know. Is he on the throne of your life? 

PRAYER: I need you every hour Lord. I will not listen to Satan's lies trying to deceive me. In Jesus' name. Amen.