He must become greater; I must become less. John 3:30(NIV)
How does your day begin? Maybe grab the newspaper or turn on the news. Next hop in the shower, check Facebook, then eat and off you go. Is time alone with God in there anywhere? Why is it it is so easy to do everything else but the one thing to help us grow spiritually we neglect. Many are great church members but after that one or two hours each Sunday sort of put God on the shelf for the next six days. This makes Satan so gleeful as he can trick you into thinking Sunday is enough. Believe me, there are many people who go to church who are no different than the world. There are many in church who do not really know Jesus. Perhaps they have been tricked into believing Sunday church attendance is the thing to do. Oh my goodness, doing anything else is fanatical.
I am happy to say I am a fanatic! I wasn't always. I too was like that. I thought my childhood baptism and joining church was enough. I found out otherwise and on 19 March 1975 became a "new creature" and born again. Do you want to grow closer to Christ! Spend time with Him. He is there waiting for you.
PRAYER: I need you in my life not just on Sunday but 24/7 around the clock. Forgive me for making excuses. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Becky: I see people every week that make me wonder how they spend the other six days. I don't judge them; I am concerned about their souls. We need Jesus all the time.