What does it mean to "hide God's word in your heart"? Basically it is knowing enough scripture by memory that you are able to draw from your memory banks and pull it up in a time of need. In order to accomplish this you have to first be reading and studying the scriptures. Simply picking it up and following along with the preacher on Sunday will not really sear it in your memory banks.
We may find ourselves one day in the future without our Bibles. There are readers to this devotion from several different countries according to the "traffic" statistics on blogspot. Some may even read this from a country where God's word is already banned and can get you killed, arrested and jailed. Why do people hate it so much? I will tell you why. Because the Bible stands for truth and freedom. Satan's evil henchmen roam around trying to take freedom away and trying to control people. The Bible is a threat to them so their idea is to ban it.
Have we not already seen in this country groups trying to get prayer stopped at football games or before city council meetings? Religious conscience rights here in the United States are being disregarded in the Presidents' new health care law. Never mind you object to certain things like abortion,but you are forced to support a government run and controlled health care system that could care less about a persons right of conscience or freedoms. Forcing a military chaplain to perform a homosexual marriage ceremony is just plain wrong as well.
In 1963 prayer, and thus the standard for right and wrong and morality, was removed from the public schools. There are legal cases today where groups are trying to get rid of anything about the Bible on college campuses.
Back to hiding God's word in your heart. If someday evil forces come at gunpoint and confiscate your Bible would you know enough of it to write down some in a notebook to give you comfort? Not just the familiar John 3:16,but more? Psalm 119:11(NIV) says 'I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.' Psalm 37:31 says 'The law of their God is in their hearts; their feet do not slip.' Psalm 119:97 says 'O how I love your law it is my meditation all the day.'
If you are a parent of a small infant, start now getting God's word into their heart. Grandparents you can do this as well. It is much more important than nursery rhymes. It will go into their little hearts. Many parents stand up in front of churches dedicating or baptizing their babies promising to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord but how many do not? Oh yes Sunday school and church but nothing at home. 2 Timothy 3:15(KJV) says 'and that from a child thou hast known the Holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.'
Today say yes to God's word and read it daily so when and if a crisis occurs you will stand strong and be able to have comfort and comfort others.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for my Bible. Forgive me for ignoring you and it at times. I am not on this Earth for my own pleasure but I was created by you to serve you and to share the love of Christ with others. Help me Lord as I seek to get the word of God in my heart in case some day someone takes it away from me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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