Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


 I am not sure how many other readers of this devotion have served in the military but you go through rigorous training to become equipped for the battles you may face ahead of you. Without proper training and weeding out of those who can not meet the physical and mental challenges  a fighting unit would be unprepared.  It is not just about being a service member because you are patriotic, but you are prepared at any time for battle.

Similarly in our civilian world as Christians we are being trained for spiritual warfare each and every day. Psalm 144:1(NASB) says 'A Psalm of David. Blessed be the Lord my rock who trains my hands for war. And my fingers for battle.'

 Here on earth we truly are in a battle for our very souls. Satan loves complacent believers, you know the kind who think Sunday is enough and feel they have 'arrived' because they go to a certain church and have been baptized. Satan can deceive us into becoming arrogant about being a certain denomination and you get busier fighting against whose church is right and you do not fight against your real enemy, the devil!

Do you want to be strong and be able to be used for the Lord's purposes? You know being here on Earth is not all about us. It is about service to the Lord. Don't just join a church like you would a country club or a gym and say 'that is that, check that block and got that tee shirt.' No we are here to lift the name of Jesus higher. To know how to get closer to the Lord instead of just having a "Sunday experience"  it is essential to open the Bible and read it and study it.

Psalm18:29(NIV) is a verse I just "happened" to turn to back in August 1975 when I was going through training with the Army but it is a great passage to memorize for every day battles with the enemy of our souls, Satan. 'With your help I can advance against a troop and with your help I can scale a wall.' That verse was a God thing because that is what we did in training, we jumped walls!

 Don't wait until tomorrow. Get into the Bible and start training to defeat the enemy. Start by reading the Psalms. It is a great starting point.

 PRAYER: Lord Jesus I know Satan  would love to take me out. I also know you are bigger and greater than him and his measly schemes. I have the power in the word of God to break his curse and defeat him. The devil has no authority over me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

 Click link below and praise God in song.

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