Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Friday, March 29, 2013


The celebration of Easter Sunday is upon us in two days. This is the
day people crowd churches who do not normally attend anywhere or at
any time. Somehow these "lily Christians" as an Air Force Chaplain
friend called them, know it is the right thing to do so hurray for
them! Church at Easter is not about bunnies, new clothes, and colorful
eggs. It is about the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Today marks
Good Friday when Christians commemorate the Lord's crucifixion and
death upon The cross. This is a sad day for some but a solemn day
leading up to Easter and Jesus arising from the dead!

Who do you serve? What is important to you? Is Easter just an excuse
for a new dress or suit? Does this Holy day mean a family portrait for
some? Regardless of what you do on this day you can not deny that
Jesus died a cruel death on the cross for you and I? Many choose to
totally ignore Him and go their own way. Even many who claim to be
Christians rarely get into the Bible and study it. "It is boring or
too deep for me" you might say. "Why do I need to know the Bible?" is
another possible response. "Look get off my case because I go to
church don't I?" is another verbal response. Remember it was said
"going into a church won't make you a Christian any more than going
into a garage will make you a car."

For some the only Bible verses they may know by memory are John 3:16
and the 23rd Psalm. The first verse is recited time and time again to
little children in Sunday school. The 23rd Psalm is often read at
funerals and therefore many are familiar with it. Does it go beyond
there? Would you like it to? If you answered "no" then possibly ask
yourself if you truly ever did ask Jesus to be Lord of your life.

Psalm 51:10(ESV) says 'Create in me Oh Lord, a clean heart and renew a
right spirit within me.' Can you make that your prayer today and
every day?

PRAYER: Lord I am thankful for your word, The Holy Bible. I am
thankful in this nation to be able to worship freely. I know many
countries people can not. I ask that you help we in thus nation not
take you or your Holy Word for granted. Forgive me Lord if I have ever
let other things get in the way of knowing you better. In Jesus' name.

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