Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Friday, June 29, 2012


Yesterday, 28 July 2012, was a day when most freedom loving Americans ended up in despair and worry when 5 Supreme Court justices, to include one conservative, decided the government knew more than the private sector and voted to uphold the encroaching 2700 page healthcare takeover bill. It is an oppressive law passed amidst lies, deceit, trickery and bribery. 'We The People' spoke up loud and clear yet were ignored as the government tried to take a major step in controlling our lives by controlling our healthcare. Sad to say many became fearful and worried. I was traveling, and when this decision was flashed over the televisions at the airport, I watched as deplaning passengers saw the news and most appeared in stunned disbelief. Most expected it to be struck down. One friend told me she was really worried. I told her and a gentleman on the plane that God was still in charge and had a plan in all this. Kings are not in charge. Dictators are not in charge. Presidents are not in charge. Judges are not in charge. Tyrants are not in charge. It is God who sits on the throne and gets the final say! Maybe this is what he allowed to happen to get our attention, who knows. If this law is not overturned,and this decision will be fought, doctors will be controlled by the government, insurance by the government, health care will be limited and rationed, taxes will go up to pay or it and on it goes. It is enough to give you an ulcer or headache if you allow it to. This  bill was never about free healthcare but about domination, destruction, and control of the American people and the economy. What happened to limited government? This current situation can get one frightened as we know what happens when governments get too much power. We need to be daily praying and seeking God. God is working behind the  scenes in all this chaos. He is not fretting, but knows we will make it. God knows the big picture. We may be angry, scared, and feel powerless but we are not. We still have prayer and God on our side. The Bible says in Romans 8:31 "If God be for us who can be against us."  Another verse of hope is in Psalm 56:11 which says "I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? I am not afraid of what mere mortals can do to me."  Don't lose hope. Have courage because the end of the story has not happened yet.  Your  worries will get you no where so let them go. In Matthew 6:27 says "which of you by worrying can add a single cubit to his life?" it is useless. Focus on God and His goodness instead. Psalm 27:13 reminds us "I am still confident of this, I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." PRAYER: Father help me trust in you and not fear a mere man. I know you delight in goodness and not evil so when freedoms you have given me are crushed and I am  oppressed it makes you sad.  Father God help me to be serious about praying for my country and it's leaders. Get rid of the oppressors who want to dominate us. Change their hearts from evil to good. Thank you that I have no fear because you are in fact walking beside me. In Jesus name. Amen. Further study: Psalm 37

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