Do you feel pretty good about yourself and your accomplishments? Maybe you have been to fine schools, have awesome degrees, make lots of money, a wonderful job title, or have received many awards. Perhaps you are in tight circles with important people. Maybe you have done things that are 'off the charts'. Still God wants us to be humble and not 'toot our own horn'.
The Bible says the humble will be exalted and let another praise you and not your own mouth. Bragging or boasting is mentioned many times in the word of God. It is tempting to want to prove to someone what you have done, who you may know, and how much you make. It is human nature to a 'proud nature' at times especially as a parent. But we are to have 'God's nature''.
The real mark of a Godly person is to be able to let your virtues speak for themselves and not think you are anyone special. We all have differing gifts and talents. If you feel you are on the braggy side ask God to help you be humble and not prove things to people by boasting.
Proverbs 27:2 says "Let another praise you and not your own mouth, someone else and not your own lips." There is nothing to be gained by letting everyone know every wonderful thing you have ever done. God knows and that is all that matters.
Proverbs 25:27 says " It is not good to eat too much honey nor is it good to seek one's own honor". If you receive accolades give the glory to God for it is only through him you have your abilities, skills, gifts, and brains. You may think "But wait I did this on my own". Watch out for you may be brought low with that kind of attitude. A humble person is much more pleasant to be around.
Matthew 23:12 says "For whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."
Where are you at? Perhaps you are on the other end of envy of others. That too is wrong for each of us has differing gifts. Bloom for Jesus where he plants you, be content, and give God the glory for your successes. In Deuteronomy 8:18 it reminds us it is God who gives the power to get wealth. Serve Him with the abilities he has given you.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for what you are doing in and through me. Help me never envy others and be thankful for exactly where you have me. Lord I thank you for what you can do through my life. Forgive me if i have ever become proud. In Jesus name. Amen.
Happy Monday! Click on link and praise God in song!
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