Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Today I write about the 'tests' that come our way to see just how patient, cool, calm and collected we really claim to be. My test yesterday was in the computer store when a seemingly simple procedure being performed on my Ipad by their tech  went bad. I ended up losing all my photographs and my address book and nearly lost all my writing and other files. It was the classic scenario that a normal reaction would have caused great anger and maybe sent some folks into a rage. I almost did feel like crying. When he was able to restore parts of it I exclaimed "praise the Lord"!

Now I think these items were also on my laptop, but at first I wanted to scream, go crazy, blame someone and freak out.  Since I am a Christian, and had just left our prayer group two hours earlier praying all of us would 'go out into the world' and be an example for Christ,  I did not think it would be very appropriate to cry, yell,and blame, although that is what my human nature wanted to do. I had to sort of laugh when I remembered  this prayer I had prayed. Be prepared after you ask for something like patience in a prayer to have a test come along to see if you really are patient.

Even writing this I lost a bunch of the stuff I had written right into 'thin air' and had to once again recreate it. I was nearly done when poof, I hit a wrong key and lost half my devotion.

There are many things in life that come around to test our faith and our reaction. 1 Peter 1:7 says" these have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire, may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."  James 1:3 says "and you know the testing of your faith works patience".

Bad stuff does happen in life and unexpected things do happen such as flat tires on a car, a grocery sack full of food bursting open in the parking lot of the store, a long line forming at a store when you are in a hurry and of course the clerk is slowest  in the store. You have something stolen such as your debit card, your bicycle, your purse or wallet, or your laptop. All these things happen and test our reaction. We can choose to react like the 'world' and cuss and get mad or we can choose to silently pray " Lord help me react in a positive way to this bad situation and help it turn out for the good."

Where are you at today on the patience meter of tests and trials? It is a spiritual discipline to learn to form positive reactions  to adverse situations. I have heard it said if you pray for patience look out because tests will come.

PRAYER: Lord I want to be able to react in a positive way when bad things happen. I want to act like a Christian in good times and in not so good times. Forgive me for times in the past when I have acted poorly and not represented Christ very well. I want to be like you in the things I say and do. Please strengthen me and guide me. In Jesus name. Amen!

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