Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wow I'm Vintage!! Cool!

They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green. Psalm 92:14
 When we start to get older often we dread it. Some women do not like to tell their age. It is as if getting old is shameful. Many feel they are washed up after 60. Some give up on life or dreams feeling there is no chance for them to work if they want to try something new. I have good news older people reading this. You are vintage and that is way cool!! You know like vintage wine or a vintage automobile which as valued and treasured.

All ages of people are important and part of God's plan. Just because the media seems to fixate on youth and getting rid of spots and wrinkles does not mean as you age you have to just go hide somewhere. Everyone has gifts to share. What is yours? Older people have been around and seen lots therefore have the gift of wisdom.  In Titus 2:3-5 it declares about older women teaching the younger women.

Be vintage and a classic and be proud of it. Praise God for each and every day and experience He has blessed you with. Ask Him to show you more opportunities to shine your vintage sunbeam on others to share His joy.

PRAYER: I am sorry if I have ever complained about getting older Lord because indeed each day is a gift to be treasured and enjoyed. I choose this day to embrace the days and years ahead of me and to be an example for you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Line..The Wait

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

No one I know likes to wait especially if it is unexpected and they are in a hurry. Recently I stopped to find a coffee place going down I 65 and I need not mention which one. It was the most crowded of their chain stores I had ever seen, even in New York City. The line grew longer and patience grew thinner. Smiles turned into looks of frustration. I began chatting with a customer next to me passing through from Florida to Wisconsin. Even though I wished they were faster, I was not late for anything so just hung in there. 

Waiting is not fun and at times very difficult to do. It could be waiting in a line, waiting for news from a doctor, waiting for a phone call, waiting for test results at school, waiting for an important letter. Whatever it is it is necessary to focus on something else while you wait. Probably waiting for an answer to prayer is especially difficult. But we press on and pray on holding onto hope not listening to doubters or nay sayers, simply believing and trusting. 

What are you waiting for today? Are you able to calm your heart and be still while you wait? 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I thank you that I know you hold the future no matter what it is. I know you will help me press on as I wait for things to include answers to my prayers. In Jesus' name. Amen.
                       Click link below for song of hope:


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Purge Those Toxins

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. 1 John 2:15

Lots of buzz words are out there to get people to purchase healthy food and other products. Things like 'artisan', 'free range', 'cage free', 'no additives', 'grass fed', 'pure', 'protein', 'spring fed', and 'no toxins'. All those things are good I guess and we are to take care of our body which is God's temple. But the worst toxin ever we could put into our body is 'the things of this world'. 

Allowing the world to shape us leads away from God. Believers are to be ambassadors for Christ during their short time on the Earth. Many things in this world can easily lure you away from Christ. The lust of the flesh. The desire for fame and power. Even Christians can easily be led astray by deceiving spirits if we are not on our guard.

Our time on this Earth is actually very short. Many 'bright lights' may try to captivate and trap us into walking away from Jesus. What are you doing to insure you are not trapped by the enemy to be enticed by toxins? 

PRAYER: Dear Lord I want to be always alert to traps of the enemy to lead me away from you. My desire is to grow in Christ and I want to be drawn closer to you. In Jesus' name.Amen.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Jesus Is My Crutch...No Problem With That!

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

Ever heard the excuse given by non believer's that they do not need Jesus because He is just a crutch? I say what is wrong with a crutch. For those who have had broken legs a crutch is a valuable piece of equipment. It is like an extra leg helping them navigate through their day without falling down. So in that respect why wouldn't we want Jesus because I sure do not want to fall flat on my face.

Many folks are so self assured that they need no one or nothing to assist them through life. To me that is a tragedy. Even though we can not see God He is there, yes being a crutch for us if you want to put it that way. He is a divine crutch who brings total healing to our soul. 

If you are reading this and think you don't need any help in life, much less help from Jesus, just know He is waiting for you to run to Him and tell Him how much you need Him. He is the best crutch ever!! 

PRAYER: I need you Lord every single day. I love being able to get up and pray to you in the morning. Thank you for the wonderful plan you have for my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click on link for a song of praise and possibly deliverance: 

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Mirror Ball Trophy, Now New and Shinier!

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24 

The tenth season of ABC's Dancing With The Stars began on March 16th. Now I do not recognize this as clean family entertainment as some of the ladies costumes are a bit provocative and some couples dance moves look like need to get a room at a motel. But I confess I watch it some seasons if an interesting person is on who is decent. Last season Duck Dynasty teen co star Sadie Robertson was a refreshing change to the a cast member who might swear or almost not wear clothes. 

All the dancer couples are dancing for the ultimate prize, The famed Mirror Ball trophy, which the announcer made a point of saying this season was bigger and better than all the other seasons. Trophies, prizes, and recognition are nice. They are especially good motivators for performance. To go through life seeking after earthly rewards is fine but it should not be all encompassing. The real and greatest reward is our heavenly crown we will wear in heaven after Jesus takes us home to be with Him for eternity. 

Don't focus on just winning things here on Earth but seek Christ first and good things will come to you. 

PRAYER: Winning and recognition on Earth is fun but I look forward to winning the ultimate prize and that is being in heaven for eternity. If I get earthly rewards help me remember to give you the glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Famous Faces

And all we who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord who is The Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:17(NIV)

 Last year while waiting for a flight in Huntsville I thought I saw a gentleman who looked like actor Ricky Gervais. For those who do not know him was in  a Muppet movie released last spring. This is only little old Huntsville, Alabama but it is possible a celebrity could be in our midst. I saw his face and it turned out to not be him but he could have been his stunt double.

Why are some people so caught up by "famous people"? Concert halls are packed out to see Taylor Swift or Tim McGraw. Why aren't we as excited about the King of kings and Lord of lords? He is the most famous ever. These people who are mega talented got their gifts from God and still put their pants on the same way we do. We are not to be idolizing them, but we do. Look at the sales of celebrity magazines. Why do we care?

I challenge you to turn your eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face!

PRAYER: It is my desire to start looking to you more than to look up to " famous people". Forgive me when I give more attention to fame than to you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link for a song of praise and worship:

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Funny.....Not Really!

Fools make a mockery of sin, But among the upright there is good will. Proverbs 14:9
Recently in a grocery store parking lot I saw a bumper sticker that read as follows 'Jesus Paid For Our Sins So Let's Get Our Money's Worth'. Similar to the Darwin stickers of the Christian fish with feet, this bumper sticker just pure and simple mocked God and mocked believers. I immediately felt sorry for the person and said a quick prayer.
Many may joke about Jesus, 'religious' people, healing, miracles, or things of the faith, but God is not to be mocked. I always feel a person's heart must be so hardened to display stickers such as this one. The good news is, people change, thank goodness. All we can do is pray and believe. Don't condemn these lost people and you may even know someone like this. Keep praying and keep showing love and grace. 
Go out today and know that the world we live in is not always friendly to those who love Jesus. Do your best to shine His love onto a lost world. 
PRAYER: Father I thank you for saving me and I pray for others who may be lost and do not realize it. I pray for those who are 'lukewarm' to things of the faith. I will keep persevering in prayer. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Pondering Momma

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Mark 2:19

One of the most peaceful sites to me recently was on a beautiful spring day watching a young mom at an outdoor eating area with her new baby feeding him and cuddling him. He could not have been more than a couple weeks old. I treasured this time I had with my two sons when they were infants and then toddlers. Everyone told me it would go by fast and I never believed it till in fact that time was gone. 

What a blessing and a privilege it was for me to care for and raise these two precious gifts from God, as indeed they truly were and are. Children may bring frustrations and later on in life they may choose a way that breaks your heart, but they are always your children and you love them unconditionally. This is how God is with us. We are His children and yes we do stray sometimes and it makes Him sad but His love is unconditional and He is there waiting for us to come back to Him. 

Where are you today? Have you left the teaching of your youth and have no desire for things of the Lord? This Earth and your time here is so temporary. Ponder in your heart just exactly what you think the Lord wants you to do. 

PRAYER: I thank you Lord for your unconditional love. You love me even when I have turned my back on you. I choose to walk the way you want me to go so help me stay on the right path. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, March 23, 2015

March Madness

When His family heard about this, they went to take charge of Him, for they said, "He is out of his mind." Mark 3:21

Here in The United States right now from sea to shining sea, we are in the midst of March Madness. If you are from Kentucky or Indiana you know what I am talking about. The big NCAA men's college basketball tournament brackets leading up to the selection of the Final Four And eventually a new college champion in men's basketball for 2015. 

In this country we can go from sport diversion to sport diversion each month and not have time for anything else. Football season need I say more Alabama and Tennessee friends? Then basketball. Next is spring training and baseball season begins. Don't forget ice hockey and the Stanley Cup. The Masters for golf lovers and oh yes, NASCAR and The Kentucky Derby, and of course The Indianapolis 500. Are sports all we are 'mad' or crazy about? Hopefully the Lord Jesus Christ is squeezed in there somewhere amidst all the televised sports broadcasts. He should not just be squeezed in but should take first place then the other stuff fall in behind Him.

Are you guilty of not spending quality time with God? Do you feel one hour on Sunday is sufficient?  Maybe it is time to get 'March Madness For Jesus' what do you say? 

PRAYER: I am sorry if I am guilty for idolizing anything over you, be it sports or any hobby. I know to get to know you I can only do it by spending quality time. Guide me Lord to shut out distractions that keep me from loving you with my whole heart. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Be Yourself

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.Psalm 139:13

I have been told by many I take way too many pictures. I try to not be obnoxious about it but I find documenting events important to do. Out of respect for those who teased me about 'shooting' too many pictures, I have tried to tone it back somewhat. I left my camera in my car on purpose at a recent shower I attended. It nearly killed me to not be able to take a picture. When I later shared this dilemma with a friend there she told me to just be myself.

That is just it!! We need to stop orchestrating things and worrying about what others think. Other people do not live inside of us nor have our unique personality. What is fun for one may be boring for another. I have some friends who count on me to always have my camera since they are not good at remembering theirs. I was even asked to be the official photographer for an event once but turned it down.

God loves you cause He made you. There may be bad habits we need to work on as I know a few I am trying to break like butting into conversations and trying to listen better. Just know God loves you through things that may annoy others.

 PRAYER: Lord Jesus I love you and I thank you for loving me. Help me with those bad habits I may possess that need a bit of tweaking. Help me to listen for your still small voice. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Proceed, Go Forth, Charge On

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
Do you need motivation for something? Maybe a task like cleaning out your attic. Perhaps to lose weight. To start writing your aging mom or dad a weekly letter. Cleaning a closet. Finishing a craft project. Meeting a deadline at work. It is good to set goals in life. My particular goal I am attempting to reach is the eventual publication of 'God's Lemonade Stand' into book format. Sometimes no matter what lies ahead of you it is necessary to get going and make stuff happen. As the athletic wear company Nike says "Just Do It"! 
Some of you may even need help even putting God on your daily schedule. Deep down you know you want to but it is forgotten. Somehow I find when I give God first place in my day things seem to go better. It is so easy to just be born,go through life, do your daily job and other activities and just float through life without much thought of spiritual things and heaven. But just wait for a tragedy of some sort to occur and instantly our thinking turns to praying. Sure Sunday may be on your daily calendar as you know it is something you should do, go to church that is. But there is way more to following Christ and getting to know Him than walking into the door or a church each Saturday or Sunday. 
Why not set your goal for getting to know Christ better in 2015? Go find your Bible and lay it out somewhere where it can be read daily. Try putting Him on your calendar daily and see if things don't seem to go better. 
PRAYER: Forgive me Lord for the times I have ignored you or turned my back on you. Forgive me for making everything else way more important than a daily quiet time with you. I choose to not let priorities squeeze you out. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, March 20, 2015

You're There!!

The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the 
Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the Lord is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him. Psalm 92:12-15

I have many friends who are ten, twenty, even thirty years younger than me. Where does the time go? One day you are playing with toddlers and the next they are off on their own with professional jobs and families. Time truly does fly. As I age, I can tend to put myself down or think I do not have a chance working again and such negative thinking like that. There is good news! As we get older we have wisdom and experience, not just age spots and wrinkles. If you are pushing forty or older, do not dread it  but embrace life. Do not think life is just for younger folks even though television and magazine ads tend to glorify youth. 

Congratulations, you are there my friend. Do not mope around wanting to turn back the clock. The future is great and it can be bright. All of life prepares you for the next stage. We are not to stay continually in grade school. As a Christian also growth is important and moving beyond the pacifier stage. Our life can truly be wonderful and enriched if only we embrace all it has to offer. Maintain positive thinking and a can do attitude. Do not just talk about what could have been or all the joints you need to replace. 

Start today and think of the possibilities your life has to offer and what you as a person can offer to others. If you catch yourself thinking wrong thoughts just re read the Bible verse above and stay focused on Jesus. 

PRAYER: Lord I thank you for all the years of life you have blessed me with and the experiences and friendships during this journey. Help me as I seek to stay positive and motivated for all the days yet ahead. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Very Special Birthday

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3

Today marks 40 years since I asked Jesus Christ into my heart as my Lord and Savior and became born again. My sister and I share the same day. We both had been baptized as children in about the 6th grade and were good church going kids but lacked the fire and understanding of making Jesus come alive and be real in our lives. Our parents did the right thing and laid the foundation as we did for our sons but each person must come to the Lord on their own timing and by the own choice. You need to ask the Lord to come into your heart.

Church membership does not mean Jesus is in your heart, nor does baptism, nor does baby dedication. To receive Christ you have to say something like this. "Jesus I am a sinner. I need you in my life. I want to give you my old self and start a brand new life living for you. Come into my heart. " Once that happens, at least for me, I had a hunger for the word of God. I wanted to read the Bible. I wanted to listen to Christian music. I wanted to go to Bible study.

Once Christ lives in your heart 2nd Corinthians 5:17 takes on new meaning. It says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone, the new is here." Do you want a spiritual birthday?

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for making yourself real to me. I know the enemy has made attempts to deceive me and pulled me off course a couple times but I thank you that you pulled me out of the pit and made me new. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link and prepare to worship the Lord:

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

All Is Not Lost

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, Ephesians 3:20

Hope. Second chances. Try again. Do not give up. Things are not always as bad as they may seem. You can turn things around with a new outlook and positive attitude. Never give up the ship, so to speak, as things can always get better. As the saying goes "All is not lost". Just when you think things will never change they can indeed do just that. 

God is a God of positive encouraging words not one of doomsday thinking. He wants you to rise to the occasion. Keep going forward. He does not want you to quit. Like today's verse says "He can do immeasurably  more than we ask or think" and He really can. Miracles are still possible today. It is when you think you can go no further that you need to press on. Your breakthrough is coming. It is just around the corner. Good things are in store. 

Whatever it is you feel is hopeless remember our God is a God who is full of hope and wants to help you with whatever it is you are going through .

PRAYER: You are a God of promises, hope, joy, sustainment and mercy. Thank you Lord that in you there is always hope. Help me to not give up and stand firm. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Blast from the past..Click link for a awesome song of praise:

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Deliver Us From Evil

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:13

When you recite the Lord's Prayer do you ever think about the words you are saying or perhaps you hear it so much you never picked it apart and gave it much thought. When you think of evil what comes to mind? I think of people like ISIS terrorists who hate Christians and Jews and saw their heads off while the victims scream. For sure that is the height of evil.

Evil is associated with Satan. Evil can also be subtle as it is one of the tricks of the enemy to lure us into his trap. If things are not good and righteous they are evil.  There is good and bad, right and wrong. Evil is very wrong. We are to be praying for those we may know who are being captivated by wrong thinking and do not make a habit of studying God's word for truth. Evil forces would love to ban the Bible for they know it is truth.

 Be on your guard my friends. Satan is prowling around seeking whom he may destroy. Stay in the word of God on a daily basis. Start with the book of John in the New Testament and  be strengthened for spiritual battles ahead.

PRAYER: I resist the enemy Satan and he has to flee. I reject the lies of Satan and his demonic forces. I pray for protection for those whom I know who are being captivated and do not realize it. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Contrasts In Glory

A  psalm of David. The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. Psalm 24:1

Recently I had the privilege to fly, which I absolutely love. It was always my hope I would be a flight attendant and I attempted to three times to no avail. But flying is in my blood. I got to travel to the great West, Boise, Idaho to see one son and his lovely wife and then a few days later to America's third largest city, Chicago, to visit my other son. I love the excitement of the big city and the hustle and bustle of walking downtown and riding subways. But I also love the mountains and peacefulness of the forest. Besides this I am blessed to live just a few minutes drive from a small city and live on a farm where the countryside is peaceful as well. 

Basically I am thrilled by ALL of God's creation and all of its' contrasts and awesome glory! From the flowing brooks, to the ice caps. From the seashore to the spectacular mountains and canyons. From the desert to the prairie. It is all so very glorious and guess what? God created it all for us to enjoy and to take care of. 

Take a walk today in your neighborhood or go to a park and just look around you and make a mental list of how many wonderful things there are to be truly thankful for. You may be surprised at the every day things you might just be taking for granted. Then stop and say thank you to God for ALL of His creation. 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I am in wonder at the works of your hands. Not only did you create man in your image but you have given me so much to enjoy where I live. Help me to stop each day and say thanks for where I am and the beauty that surrounds me. In Jesus' name.Amen.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Waiting And Praying

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2

What are you waiting for and believing for? Seems as if we are in a prayer waiting room of sorts. God has heard us but His plans and timing prevail. Our job is to have faith and hope. 

God is not a genie in a bottle or a magician. He wants to hear from you about whatever it is. A wayward child. Immense grief. Need of a job. Change of heart or attitude. Freedom from depression or suicidal thoughts. Renewal of a marriage on the brink.  Whatever your need He cares so let Him hear from you. 

There are those who mock prayer and the ability of God to act. He is God and His purposes prevail. He wants your heart and He wants you to love and trust Him. Do you? 

PRAYER: Lord thank you that any time day or night I can stop what I am doing and talk to you in prayer. You hear me and you indeed care. Keep me patient as I wait to see the answers to those prayers. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Saturday, March 14, 2015


But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these. 2 Timothy 3:1-5
I have had requests to write about what is going on in America and around the world for that matter. Many live in a bubble of sorts unaware of things happening to tear apart our land and our precious liberties. Deception by the government and the media is rampant and we are convinced everything is okay. Worry is not the answer, but prayer is. 
The verses for today sort of hit the nail on the head when discussing 2015. Morality is one of the first things we see as going down the tubes. Take God out of the equation and it is easy to say that anything goes. If man does not have a moral compass of right versus wrong and good and evil, it is easy to become complacent and just sit quietly by as laws are passed that go against the Bible. 
Now is the time of salvation. Now is the time to do what you know is right. Be on your knees in prayer and ask God to heal the men and women who are leading this country in the wrong direction. Above all never give up on prayer.
PRAYER: You have a plan Lord But still I have a voice and know what is right and wrong. Direct me to show love as I speak out against society's ills as it relates to your word. In Jesus' name! Amen

Friday, March 13, 2015

The Bucket List

When you do good deeds, don’t try to show off. If you do, you won’t get a reward from your Father in heaven. Matthew 6:1

Author, Bible teacher and speaker Joyce Meyer says we should start a bucket list but not the kind where we have stuff WE want to do, but instead a list of what we want to do for others before we meet JESUS. Great idea, I love it! I have a regular bucket list and have already fulfilled a few of the things on it.  Air boat ride in Everglades, check. Tandem Skydiving, check. Bi plane ride, check. Hot Air Balloon ride, check, three times. Nothing wrong with making a list like this.

Think beyond yourself for just a moment and write down things you could do for others without any thought of puffing yourself up in the process.  If you are in medical field perhaps go on medical missionary trip. Make care kits for disaster victims. Get a buddy at a local nursing home that needs a friend and visit weekly.  Pay for food of the person behind you at a drive thru or treat someone to coffee at drive thru. Buy some gift cards to have on hand to give when the spirit leads you. Be creative and make your list.

Not only when you do this will you help someone else but it takes the focus off of yourself. God first, others second, yourself last. Now go be a blessing!

PRAYER: I love you Lord and I thank you for the opportunities I have had to fulfill things on my bucket list but help me think beyond myself of ways to help others too before you call me home. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Never Doubt The Prayers Of A Praying Mom

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1

I am blessed to be a long time participant in Moms in Prayer International(formerly Moms in Touch). This awesome non denominational, non political ministry began in a moms' living room in Southern California back in 1984. One thing they use on flyers is the title I used above and also "If you aren't praying for your child who is?" It does not matter what their age, they need prayer. I have been in an organized group as either a member or leader since 1996. 
You don't have to be a mom or even have children to pray, but it is nice when there are groups like this where other moms can help you lift burdens to the Lord. There are some who mock prayer, and some may even be your own children, but keep on keeping on. God hears you my dear friend. He loves you and He loves your children more than you do. 
Your heart may be breaking over something right now but know the Lord has heard your prayers. Do not lose hope. 
PRAYER: Lord Jesus I thank you that you want me to pray and keep praying. When something comes up in life the first reaction should be to pray. Help me never forget this. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click link for a song of worship to start your morning:

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Deliver Us From Evil

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:13

When you recite the Lord's Prayer do you ever give thought to the words you are saying or perhaps you hear it so much you never picked it apart and gave it much thought.
When you think of evil what comes to mind? I think of people like ISIS terrorists who hate Christians and Jews and saw their heads off while the victims scream. For sure that is the height of evil.

Evil is associated with Satan. Evil can also be subtle as it is one of the tricks of the enemy to lure us into his trap. If things are not good and righteous they are evil.  There is good and bad, right and wrong. Evil is very wrong. We are to be praying for those we may know who are being captivated by wrong thinking and do not make a habit of studying God's word for truth. Evil forces would love to ban the Bible for they know it is truth.

Be on your guard my friends. Satan is prowling around seeking whom he may destroy. Stay in the word of God on a daily basis. Start with the book of John in the New Testament and  be strengthened for spiritual battles ahead.

PRAYER: I resist the enemy Satan and he has to flee. I reject the lies of Satan and his demonic forces. I pray for protection for those whom I know who are being captivated and do not realize it. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link for a song of worship to begin your day:

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mouth and Emotions

Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin. Proverbs 13:3

Much is to be said about thinking before you speak or thinking before you text or type and email for that matter. Your words bear much weight and they can be taken the wrong way if not thought out. This was me recently making an innocent spur of the moment comment to a someone online and it was perceived the wrong way and caused a little minor upset. Ouch. I never mean that to happen but sometimes it does. Then we have to go digging ourselves out of the hole we just created for ourselves by our careless words. 

At times it is best to not say or write anything especially if your emotions are running wild. If a particular issue is on your mind and you have not thought it out clearly then you may be tempted to let your mouth pop open in person or through your keyboard and type or say something you later regret. The thing is words are said and it is too late. This is why it is oh so crucial to think before your speak.

I have a sign on my refrigerator that says "Talk Less, Listen More" and this is good advice for anyone. Let me add one more thing. Pray always. 

PRAYER: Lord the mouth is so hard to control at times. Help me when I am upset or confused to not just speak off the top of my head but to think things through first. I know saying the wrong thing can be disastrous and I do not want it to be. Teach me to be still. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Sheep Among Wolves

I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16

Did you know we are living in a day when even Christians sometimes are afraid to stand up for what they know to be right and true? I chuckled as I watched the Academy Awards back in February. The way the host described it "Movies help shape us" or something to that effect. If you think about it, it can be down right scary and disturbing. Hollywood should not 'shape' a believer at all. We are "not to be conformed to the pattern of this world" it states in Romans 12:2. All the glorious movie hype about the blockbuster of the year such as the recent 'Fifty Shades Of  Gray' is really not a good thing to take into your spirit. It portrayed a warped view of sex. 

There are other examples of us being in the world but not of it. Speak up in love for those things you know to be wrong or go against God's word. The latest battle is Christian marriage which is under attack. If a person dares to share their view of one man and one woman as God intended it to be they are ridiculed and called hateful. We are living near the last days and persecution is going to come my friend. It says that in the Bible. But do not compromise on what you know to be the truth. The truth is found in the Holy Bible.

The enemy Satan is in control of evil and things going on are definitely evil. Pray and keep praying. Never give up. Pray for friends and family being misled and captivated by the world. Stand strong and stay hopeful. Be the strong sheep among the wolves and never back down. 

PRAYER: Thank you so much Lord for the word of God. Thank you for courageous people who stand firm and do not buckle to the enemies lies. Help me to show love as I deal with ungodly forces in this present world. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Bring On Revival!

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

You don't have to go far to know the United States is needing a revival really bad. I'm not talking about a tent revival,  but a huge outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bring people of all walks of life to their senses. Our own White House is unfriendly to Israel who always has been our friend. I believe the enemy is having a hey day because so many are blinded and brainwashed not aware of what is going on right under their noses. Satan works that way, fooling people. It's terrific when the news media is in his camp too.

The verse highlighted for today basically says it all.  Hear, listen, turn, repent, and seek Him. This does not mean for one hour on Sunday, which is more like a club membership. We desperately need Jesus in our lives and in our government. The nation was built on the principles in God's word and that is why for over 235 years blessings have been poured out upon us. But we let down our guard and get lazy about our freedom and watch out!! 

Today get on your knees and seek God. Look to Him for your strength. Pray for this country and pray for those being led astray that are trying to destroy our democracy and our freedom. The United States needs to be healed. 

PRAYER: My country tis of Thee, sweet land of liberty of Thee I sing. I thank you for blessing America. Turn evil men and women's hearts to the truth. Stop the plans of leaders trying to be dictators. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Spring Forward

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.  Isaiah 43:19

Unless you live in a tropical or desert environment then you are looking forward to the beginning of spring. Today is the day in The United States we set ours clocks ahead at midnight or 'spring forward'. Newness, freshness, flowers just around the corner, spring rain. So much to look forward to. New beginnings. 

Now I like snow but who doesn't anticipate the daffodils popping  up from the soil or seeing a robin's egg in a nest? The sight of new ducklings swimming in a pond with their parents is also a nice spring treat. Freshness, newness. It is wonderful. A time also to get rid of junk in the attic and junk in your life as well. Treat yourself to a fresh start by purposing in your heart you will let go of habits or people that don't get you closer to Jesus.

 Move on for spring with a fresh transformed new you. Only you can make yourself 'spring forward'.

PRAYER: Thank you for signs of spring and the newness it brings. Guide me as I seek to do new things in my life as well to get me closer to you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Be Kind, Rewind

To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; 1 Peter 3:8

Those of us old enough to remember video tapes probably also remember the sticker on most of the tapes rented that simply stated "Be Kind Rewind". Unlike the DVD's of today's generation, a tape had to be wound back to the front of the movie and if you were considerate you would kindly do this for the customer who would rent the videotape after you. 

Kindness and courtesy are pretty valuable character traits. Parents need to teach love, kindness, courtesy, and respect so the little ones under their charge learn how to treat others. My generation even learned it in school. Kindness is a trait we should never outgrow and always practice. Whether it is to the telemarketer who interrupts your supper or the person who cuts in front of you in line or cuts you off on the road. Blow it off and forget about it. Married couples need to treat each other with kindness. If everyone did this divorces may end. 

So wherever you go today try to be kind. Ask God to help you if you feel like spouting off. Try to think of gestures of kindness such as returning your shopping cart, throwing away your popcorn bag at theater, and returning products to the proper place in a store. Do something unexpected and kind for your spouse too. Have a blessed day!

PRAYER: I love to try to be kind. When I don't feel up to it give me your strength to carry on. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

And Then 911 Happened

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you  for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you of the Lord, enthroned in Zion; Sing the praises of the Lord, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what He has done.Psalm 9:9-11

2001 was a defining year in the history of our free republic called The United States of America. Almost everyone alive then over 5 years old can remember where they were when the World Trade Center twin towers were taken down by two commercial jets flown by Islamic terrorists. Another  plane flew into the Pentagon taking about 135 lives and yet another was crashed by passengers over Pennsylvania, who were able to get into the cockpit before the plane possibly went for the US Capitol or White House.That was a defining day that changed the way we do business in America. At first loyalty, prayer, and patriotism abounded but as years went by the American flags flying on cars were replaced by favorite football team flags. Flags on porches came down and were put away. Where did the patriotism go? Where did prayer and worshipping God go? How soon we forget. 

When tragedy strikes, be it a national disaster such as this which claimed the lives of thousands of citizens of the United States and other countries as well, most of us lean on God. Maybe He was not there initially in your life but you find yourself crying out to Him. Many say where was He during 911? He was still there. I can not answer why nearly 3,000 persons of all nationalities and faiths lost their lives that day but I do know it certainly brought unity. Many times good does come out of bad. 

Wherever you are today, be it in the United States or another country, know that God is watching over His people. He is a good God and He does not like evil. He will rule and reign when all is said and done so do not turn your back on Him.

PRAYER: Give me ears to hear the needs of others and the ability to reach out to the lost,confused,sad, grieving, and hurting. Help us keep our eyes open to evil and be discerning of the tricks of our enemy Satan, who does not like freedom. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Man's Law Versus Bible

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
Who do you listen to, man or God? By God I mean the word of God. Seems as though in our world today many people want to make up their own rules for morality, purity, evil or good. There is only one way to do things and it is found in the word of God. You have to read it and not change what it says. 
Recently a mega box office smash 'romantic' movie, was released in theaters on Valentines' Day. This movie had the wrong view of sex and as I hear was filled with it. I am not judging you or condemning you if you caved in an went to it because of the media hype, but we are to be different, not like the world. There is not much on the three main television networks in prime time or at the cinema that is wholesome anymore either. You almost have to have satellite or cable to watch anything pure. I am not innocent. A Christian friend and I went to a suspense thriller once that ended up making us blush. We should have both left but we did not. 
We have a choice, God's way or the world's way. If you're a believer, try to have the mind of Christ. I am pretty sure Christ does not like going to movies or sitting through 'entertaining' television filled with sex, nudity, and violence. The truth has been perverted in our world and we see so much garbage it sometimes is hard to discern as we become desensitized to right and wrong. Rule of thumb, do what pleases and brings glory to God.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus forgive me for the times I have allowed wrong images and words to enter my brain. I know that I am supposed to be a representative of you and I want to stay pure and holy. Guide me and convict me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Throw Off Works of Darkness

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14

We are in a battle of good and evil. The enemy has put us in a mind game. When you hear the word 'darkness' you may say "I don't read horoscopes, play the Ouija board, or go to fortune tellers." Those are obvious forms of darkness even though I have met believers who follow their horoscopes. Only God knows the future, not an astrologer. 

So darkness could be simply opening up the door to the enemy by your choice of reading material or what music you listen to. It can also be through programs you choose to watch on television or at the movies or even live plays you go to. The enemy is sinister and will try to make darkness appear okay. How else would he capture so many innocent victims?

We have to be on our guard because the Satan prowls around trying to destroy us. It says that in God's word too. Ask God to reveal to you any areas of your life that border on leading you from Him and get them out of your life. Keep your heart and mind pure and holy. 

PRAYER: Lord I want to 'walk' a walk pleasing to you. Alert me to any dangers lying in my path that could throw me off course. I look to you for my strength and the enemy has no power over me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link for a song of worship:

Monday, March 2, 2015

Martha's Manna circa 1982-84

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

Back in the 'olden days' before personal and desk top computers there was something called a typewriter. To get info to people you typed a letter and put it in an envelope with a postage stamp and took it to the post office. No instant emails. No tweets. No texts. There may have been faxes. I was in a ladies Bible study at Fort Rucker, Alabama and a older woman named Martha was also in it. She put out a monthly Christian newsletter entitled 'Martha's Manna' which I enjoyed receiving each month in the mail. She also put little books called 'My Little Pocket Book of God' or something like that, in children's birthday cards. I assume that she passed away but  I sadly lost contact with her after moving from Alabama to Arizona in 1984.

When I write my daily email devotion, which is also a Facebook page and a blog, I think of her. I referred to her as an 'older woman' but it looks like I may be fitting into that category too at least to those who are 50 or younger. The Bible says the older woman are to teach the younger(See Titus 2:3-5).  Martha had a passion for the word of God and getting the truth into the hands of others. I too consider what I do as my passion. This is the 'manna' I am passing on to my reader's not for Becky's glory but to serve the Lord and hopefully reach the lost or hurting. This is not for the baby Christian or non Christians, as one person thought my writing was geared to, but it is intended for ALL people, believers or non believers.

Do you hunger for God's word, the 'bread of Life, daily? If not perhaps you need a spiritual renewal to bring about a desire and hunger for God in your life. He is waiting to serve you up the best manna ever. Why not taste and see that the Lord is good!?

PRAYER: I love your word Lord. There was a time when I took it for granted. I do not anymore. I thank you I live where I can openly have my Bible. I know religious persecution goes on throughout the world and it is starting here in America. I cherish your word and will stand up for what is right to keep it. In Jesus' name. Amen.  

Click link below for a song of worship:

Sunday, March 1, 2015

God Is Not Mocked

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8

My husband and I were out having lunch after church one day and at the counter of this one restaurant was a young couple. The female was wearing a shirt that had '666' on the back. It was obvious what this was. Whether she intended it or not we all know that this number represents the anti Christ. I felt truly sorry for this girl. She was either blatantly sticking her nose out at God or thought it was cute. 

Many people do their own thing without thought of consequences. Going along with the crowd is not always the best answer. Also doing what is popular in the world may not be right in the eyes of God. The world and its' temporary pleasures can lead to a path of death and destruction. If you are in the world doing your own thing it is my hope you are counteracting life with feeding on God's word or going to a Bible preaching church where truth is taught. 

As the verse above indicates, 'God will NOT be mocked,' and indeed he will not. If a little voice deep down inside is telling you to leave your questionable ways and run back to God, do it! 

PRAYER: I thank you Lord for owning a Bible and knowing it contains the truth. It doesn't change as much as people try to re interpret it. Guide anyone reading this who may be struggling with right and wrong to follow hard after God. In Jesus' name. Amen.