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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Love Does Not Have To Mean Sex

Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Hebrews 13:4

 I love chick flicks and many of my girlfriends do as well. What bothers me is the way the films have to go 'south' so to speak, in the realm of trying to make its viewers think what  love is.  For instance, a couple is attracted to each other and in two dates they are shown in bed together. This is what our young people are growing up seeing as normal. Sexuality in all its' forms has been perverted and no longer seen as peculiar or abnormal.

God is who we are here to please. We are to live in this world but not be of the world. Today's society with its' messed up thinking on morals and purity is a challenge for those who know the truth. Those Christians who dare speak up about sexuality as Christ sees it are vilified. So much for free speech and right of conscience.

 As a follower of Christ we are called to be set apart not to cave in to political and worldly pressure. Be strong and be kind and show mercy. And above all keep praying and speaking the truth in love to a confused world.

 PRAYER: Purity is important. Our enemy the devil has confused many people's minds as to what is found in the Bible. Help me as I stand strong and stand for moral purity in a world gone crazy. In Jesus' name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Becky: You are right about this subject. Most of the shows on TV seem to follow this path. We watch a lot of the older shows, from the 1960's where they don't show those scenes.
