Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Do you truly live for God? When someone asks you if you are a Christian do you say something like "I am religious, I am spiritual"  or answer by telling what church  you are a member of?  Living for God is wanting to do all things to please Him. It does not mean you will lead a boring life but a life of freedom in Christ. Many people 'do the right thing' on Sunday like their parents taught them and go to church. Check that block off for the week. But then Monday comes or even Sunday afternoon and Jesus is put back on the shelf til 11:00 on the following Sunday morning only to go through the same 'church ritual' with no excitement or passion over and over and over again. Do you feel like this describes you? Do you desire to get excited about being a Christian and loving Jesus?

This weekend I was blessed by a friend with a free ticket to see country singer Taylor Swift in concert in Nashville. It was a fun experience. I was struck by the excitement of the crowds when Miss Swift stepped out on stage. People literally went nuts screaming, raising their arms in the air, yelling "we love you Taylor". It made me think about how people can get excited at concerts and sporting events but then do not get excited at all about worship music or worship on Sunday. Part of the problem could be you are not in an 'alive' church that gets you excited about loving Jesus and serving him. I am not intending to trash churches or denominations but simply saying we must first have a changed heart that truly loves the Lord then get in an exciting church that makes you want to serve Jesus and not just because it is the thing your family said was right to do on Sunday. Be more than a 'Sunday Christian'. Being a Christian is not like being in a club although many seemingly treat it that way. There are those who go to church somewhere only because their momma went there and then their momma before that went there and so on it goes. Find a loving church that is full of grace and truth and alive in Christ and is growing. Find one that reaches all ages and can minister to the young and the old. This is  part of what  will help you live for God.

Psalm 119:9 says "How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word." Really that is the only way to know about God and learn to live for Him is to get into the Bible. 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 says "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!  No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." A little bit of bad behavior here, a little white lie, hanging out with the wrong people and doing stuff you know in your heart is wrong will eventually catch up with you. 1 John 3:6 says "No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him." Today certain 'sins' are brushed under the carpet as not politically correct to classify them as sin. People say "This is 2011. Times change". The next new word is tolerance. We will tolerate what we know to be wrong and twist scriptures to justify some behaviors. In the end we answer to only one person and that is God Almighty. There is no changing or twisting the word with Him. The way to gauge it is by the verse in 1 Peter 1:15 which says "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do." Really ask yourself if the behavior in question is pleasing to God and if you can honestly answer  yes in your heart then it is between you and God. We need to strive to be 'dead to sin' and alive in Christ.
 No true believer purposely sins.The Bible does say in Romans 3:23  that we all have sinned. Later when you have time read Romans Chapter 6.  If you stay in the word you will know what sin is and you will better understand how to live for God. You may try to justify sin but sin is sin. In Number 32:23 is says "Be sure your sins will find you out". Run from temptation.  Being unethical, immoral, a liar, a gossip, or even being a glutton can be a sin. No one of us is perfect but we are striving to be like Christ. Do not judge your brother because all of us are guilty. You can say you are saved, but if you willfully are sinning and know in your heart it is wrong then it is time to turn away and repent. If this is you ask God to help lead you and direct you and help you run from sin. Stay away from whatever it is that is causing you to fall into a certain sin. Be honest with yourself and with God. Run from the 'enemies camp' and run to God!

 If you say you love Christ then act like Christ. If you do not stay in his word or pick and choose what to believe then you are not truly following him. Sin is fun but if you are habitually sinning and denying it you must ask yourself do you really love the Lord. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:25 that  "There is pleasure in sin for a season." After that the guilt and shame set in.

 Get into the word of God.  Find a church that preaches the word as well as showing mercy and grace to the sinner . James 4:7 says "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." If you say you love the Lord then get rid of those sins that are dragging you down. Don't 'air brush' sin and run away from God. Acknowledge your sin. Sin has consequences.Run to God and and live for Him!

PRAYER: Lord Jesus my desire is to please you in all that I say and do. I ask you to remove any temptation from me that is separating me from you. Help me to recognize the enemies tricks and lies in making me justify my sins. I want to live for you and serve you. Satan is a liar and tries to steal my life by tricking me into justifying bad things. Father I resist the enemy and want to live for you. In Jesus Name,amen!

Note: Listen to the following worship song by Rush of Fools. Click on link below. Be blessed.

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